Naruto 3

68 3 12

A/N None really.

Chapter 6
Title: Bending Love
Pairing(s): Fem!sasuke X Fem!Naruto, Fem!Naruto X sakura, Fem! Sasuke X shikamaru.
Genre: Humor.

The day Naruto turned into a girl, Sakura knew there was something dreadfully wrong. She had always been annoyed by the blonde, but as she watched her teammate struggle to balance with her new double-D cups, she couldn't help but feel... flustered.


Meanwhile, in another part of Kohona, a certain Uchiha woke up with a most traumatizing pain in their stomach. Rushing to the bathroom, Sasuke pulled down his pants to realize that his dick was gone, and splattered across his brand-new white briefs was a bloody hell.

A piercing shriek scared away the birds, and soon caused another to knock on Sasuke's door.

"Yo man, are you OK?" Shikamaru asked from outside. Was it just his imagination, or did he hear a girl's voice? He grinned to himself, thinking this girl must be special for Sasuke to bring her home, especially if she had been allowed to stay the night. Heh.


"Sakura-chan~" Naruto called out as she struggled to keep her long wavy blonde hair out of her eyes.

"What do you want?!" Sakura demanded as she shot a glare at her knuckle-head teammate, only to witness the beautiful blonde girl give a little pout and Sakura couldn't help her knees from shaking as she finally realized how attractive Naruto could be.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get some ramen." Naruto said, whining a bit.

"S-sure!" Sakura stammered, to which Naruto's blue eyes brightened ecstatically.

"Eh? Really? But you've never said yes before!" Naruto exclaimed in her beautiful silky voice. Well, at least Sakura thought it was a nice voice - much better than the pip-squeak boy one he had before anyways.

She was about to reply, but we must shift our attention back to the other pair...


"Don't come in!" Shikamaru heard a girl call out. Strange, why did she sound so horrified? Risking it, Shikamaru closed his eyes and barged in anyways.

"Shout if you're having sex!" He yelled, but lifted his hand from his eyes when only sensed one other person in the room. His mouth opened in awe; In front of him was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.

With a short, sleek black bob, and minx eyes that shifted as soon as he looked into them, Shikamaru was heads over heels in love with this flat-chested girl until he realized... It was Sasuke.


"W-well!" Sakura stammered - She couldn't possibly admit that she was more attracted to Naruto now that he was a girl, could she? "I mean, I'm kinda hungry, so you're paying OK."

"Sure!" Naruto grinned, and skipped into the midst of the crowd. A second later, she re-emerged, and offered her hand with its absurdly long and graceful fingers to Sakura.

"Come on, we'll get lost other wise."

Sakura's heart thumped loudly. It couldn't be, how could she have a thing for girls? Hadn't she spent her entire life pining after Sasuke?

Just then, a ninja with shoulder length black hair ran past them, leaving a blur. Even still, Naruto called out.

"Hey babe, looking good!"

The ninja skidded to a stop and - OH WAIT SOMETHING'S HAPPENING TO SASUKE.


"W-what happened?" Shikamru was asking, and the raven-haired girl gave him a glare that sent shivers down his spine. He tried desperately to tell himself that It's a guy, he's my friend, I'm not into him! But it was useless, and when Sasuke stared at him coldly Shikamaru felt himself growing more and more... excited.

"What the hell." Sasuke's short comment brought Shikamaru's attention to a certain bulge in his pants. He quickly covered his boner, and blushed.

"What. uh. nothing!"

As Sasuke walked away from this masochist pervert, she slapped him so hard that he came.



"Excuse me?!" The black-haired ninja turned around, and Sakura gulped. Had she really been mistaking Sasuke for a girl all these years?

"Sorry dude." Naruto deadpanned, and Sakura quickly dragged him away.

They arrived at Ichiraku Ramen without any further incident, and sat down to eat.


"Wait." A sweet, angelic voice resounded in Shikamaru's head. It was still throbbing after hitting the floor so hard, but he could barely contain his smile as Sasuke walked back into the room.

"I forgot something." Saskue said curtly, and lowered her face so that her lips were a mere centimeter away from Shikamaru's. As he grinned and closed his eyes, Sasuke slid a kunai across his neck.

"I told you I'd slit the throat of the next guy that made advances on me." She hissed as the life drained out of Shikamaru. Sasuke left him gurgling blood out of his throat as he went to look for his long-time crush; Naruto.


Sakura saw Sasuke first. Then, Sasuke saw Naruto, and all hell broke loose.

"SHE'S MINE." Sakura cried, throwing the first punch.

"I'VE LIKED HIM LONGER!" Sasuke yelled, slapping her across the face.

"You flat-chested bitch!" Exclaimed Sakura, and then grabbed an extremely confused - yet still dazzling - Naruto from his beloved Ramen bowl.

"Oh no you don't." Sasuke hissed, and punched Sakura's chest.

"OW!" The pinkette cried out, and was about to retaliate, but then Shikamaru-turned-ghoul held her down, and proceeded to eat the poor girl.

"N-naruto..." Sasuke whispered. She never thought him as ugly, but now, Naruto was simply a goddess. Sasuke got down on one knee, and magically pulled out a wedding ring.

"Will you, marry me?"

Without another word, Naruto grabbed her ramen and eloped.


Thus, Sakura-turned-ghoul and Shikamaru-turned-ghoul lived happily ever after in their sadist/masochist ghoul-ship, and Sasuke soon committed suicide because he just couldn't get the girl.


A/N. Lol. I have no words. She just keeps surprising everyone with such funny chapters. Maybe I should attempt humor too. It's just that ion have a good sense of humor.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. We would really appreciate that. Well until next chapter.

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