Fairy Tail 2

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Hi everyone.* Bends down to avoid getting hit with a stone. Weeps* I am so sorry.
I know I was supposed to update like every Friday or so but my Phone and laptop were stolen, I just got a new phone. And I didn't have anything to do with my life after my phone was stolen, it also kinda created a writers block for me.
So I am back now. Forgive me okay?

Chapter 3
Pairing(s): LuLe; LucyXLevy
Genre: Friendship, Humour (Not totally sure it can be regarded as humor but its an attempt.)

As Lucy awoke from bed she immediately regretted agreeing to have a drinking competition with cana. If only Levy was there she would have warned her. She sighed at the thought of Levy. Of course Cana drank her under the table and still took on two other men. How the hell does she even manage to stay sober?

She reluctantly dragged herself from her bed and went to get herself some aspirin to soothe her aching head. After using the aspirin she mistakenly spilled a jug of water on one of her novels she left on the table.

She hurriedly removed it from the table trying to find a place to dry it but broke her vase in the process.

"That was my favorite vase." She whined as she bent down to pick the broken pieces which cut her pinky.

"Today can't get any worse." She groaned.

Little did she know that it could. She finally got out of her apartment and entered the elevator. As the elevator she turned to see her ex-bestfriend, Levy Mcgraden.

She tried to ignore her as much as possible while it was obvious Levy was trying to say something but couldn't. They both stood in uncomfortable silence.

Suddenly the light flickered and then it stopped,the power out. She knew she was stuck.

Levy finally said something. "Um Lucy." She started awkwardly. "It's been a long time."

"Can we not do this now?" She pleaded." I told you, I don't want anything to do with you. Ever."

"Lucy...." She started

Lucy lost the remaining Patience she tried holding on to and started pounding her fist on the door. "Let me out. Help. Hello, is there anyone there? Get me out of here." She screamed like a maniac.

After few minutes of pounding her screaming she stopped. Her throat itches and her fist hurt and it was clear no one was coming at least until the elevator was fixed. She groaned and moved to the furthest part of the elevator.


"Don't call me that." She hissed. "Don't even pretend we are friends.

Levy hung her head in shame, she wasn't proud of what she had done and there was no way she could possibly undo it. Lucy would hate her forever.

Few minutes later the elevator still wasn't moving. Levy's breathing became weaker and shallow. She started gasping for air. Lucy thought it was a joke at first but she remembered Levy had problems with small spaces.

" Levy" she said calmly, holding her hands and looking at her." Just take a deep breath. Now release it. Again." She commanded and Levy listened.

Few minutes later Lucy sat on the floor beside Levy.

"I am sorry. I swear I didn't mean it. That was never my intention. I would never do something as horrible as that to my best friend. I- I .." She choked out in between tears.

Lucy hugged her unexpectedly, crying as well. " I know it was a mistake. It's okay. I knew b-but I wanted someone to blame. I wanted to blame someone for putting my life out of order. I know it was selfish of me."

"No. I don't think it was selfish, you just need time. I would never betray you like that. I love you to much to do that." She said with sincerely.

"I know." Lucy hugged her again. "I know you would never do that." She made Levy face her a d brushed a strand of the blue locks covering her face. "I love you too."

The two stared at each other for a while and Lucy inched closer to her best friend. Levy could feel hot breath on her checks and as their lips almost touched a loud voice was heard.

"CUT, CUT. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" The movie director shouted. "Do you think this is funny? That is not in the script. It isn't in the script."

They flew apart and stood straight looking at the director form above. The elevator door opened and they walked out.

"But that's what was in the script you gave us yesterday." Lucy told him

"I didn't write. Wait what? Yesterday? I haven't modified the script at all."

" Natsu-kun gave us a new script saying the director modified it." Natsu and Gray could be seen laughing behind the director.

"You set this up!" Lucy screamed and gave both if them her famous Lucy kick.

They both groaned on the floor. "But we still didn't get a picture of both of you kissing." Gray told them and the girls lunged at them,murderous intention engulfing them.

Ha-ha. Done. I guess you didn't expect the plot twist. They were acting but Gray and Natsu made changes to the script in order to get a picture of them kissing. Those cute demons.

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