Fairy Tail 4

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A/N I heard long A/N's are annoying so I erased my A/N here.

Chapter 7
Title: Rebound
Pairing(s): Gray X Meredy. (Dear TotalAnimeFreak I am so sorry but I had a terrible writers block so I couldn't complete the Juvia X Sting one shot. I had written this one sometime ago. Maybe next update. I hope you forgive me)

Genre: Friendship, Romance and song fic. (Although it doesn't look like it, its actually a song fic. Who can guess the song and the person who sang it? )

"You lazy potato sack, wake up." She heard Ultear say as she was hit with a pillow.

"Ughh. Lemme alone. I want to sleep." She told her and covered herself with a blanket which ultear quickly stole from her."

"Do you remember what today is?"

"No. Don't no, don't care. I just want to sleep." She mumbled as she made herself more comfortable. "

"Oh no you don't." Ultear started tickling her. "You have a date with Gray."

"Who is gay?"

Ultear smacked her. "You mean who is Gray? My step brother. The really cool one, dark blue hair, had a stalker girlfriend. The one I set you up on a date with."

"Tell him I am sick."

"No. You are going on this date even if I have to drag you there myself. You have to forget about Jerral. Think of this as a rebound. Now get off your lazy ass."

"Okay. Okay. I am getting up."

After much more persuasion Meredy finally got her ass of the bed and got ready.

"So how do I look?"

"The gown is pretty. Please take of that damned coat and put on heels. You look really good in them."

She sighed and went back inside to change.

She took a deep breath in the mirror. Ultear was right; she looked good in heels. She had almost forgotten what she looked like when wearing them. He didn't like it when she wore heels so should didn't. He always lived life like some kind of punishment, rejecting all the good things of life. She thought she could change him but she was wrong.

"I am off." She told ultear on her way out who didn't even hear her as she was ogling over Barry Allen on TV.

She plugged in her earphones and enjoyed the song. It reminded her of him again. He always complained about how he didn't get the song.

She walked into Fairy's cafe expecting her date to be late but to her surprise he was early. He stood up when he saw her.

"Meredy." She said stretching her hands. She kind of felt silly. He already knew her name.

"Gray." He nodded as he shook her hands too." Uhh, you look good."

She giggled at his shyness. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

He pulled her chair and helped her in before he went back to his is sit.

"He is nice." She thought with a smile.

The date went on smoothly and they found out they had a lot in common.

"...And she hit me with a pillow calling me a sack of potato." She said as she concluded her tale.

She was surprised he laughed genuinely like a little kid at the things she said. It was strange he thought she was funny because he never did.

'When you are down and troubled...' His phone rang. He looked at the screen and silenced it.

"That's James Taylor? You've got a friend."

"Yes. You listen to his music?" He said quite surprised.

"Hell yes." She said with her face full of smiles. "I have all of his songs. They are amazing."

"Wow. I have never meet anyone who has that much of his records." With that the conversation shifted to their favorite kind of music.

The date finally came to an end and as they walked down the block to where her car was packed she noticed they were holding hands.

"This was fun." She said. "My date with jerral were..." He cut her off by changing the subject.

"There is this movie my family watches every Christmas. Home alone." He groaned. "It started about ten years ago,courtesy of ultear." He rolled his eyes.

As he continued she listened with full attention and for the first time in a long time what is past was past.

"Let's do this again sometime." She said and he nodded while giving a small smile. She pecked his cheeks and she entered into her car.

As she drove off she realized that for the past eight months she had been thinking all live ever did was break,burn and end. And on this wednesday in the cafe she watched it begin again.


Forgive me if my writing of this date was crappy but I actually have never been on a date before. . I kinda hate going out. You have to dress up and looks nice. Ughh.

And I am in love with Barry Allen from the flash. Who is watching the flash? The feels in that movie

And I actually don't know who James Taylor is neither have I listened to any of his songs.

Don't forget to vote and comment. I would really appreciate that.

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