Naruto 5

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The long awaited Naruto chapter is here.

Chapter 10
Title: Prince
Genre: Romance
Pairing (s): One sided Itachi /Sai, one sided Itachi /Sasuke .


I did not know his name, I did not know his affiliation. But one look into his obsidian eyes sent me reeling, and I could not catch myself as I fell for him. It was strange, the way this boy behaved. It was as if he had never interacted with others before.

I was intrigued, so I followed him. Somehow, it turned out that he had taken the place of my little brother on Team 7. Rage lashed out for a brief moment, but then he smiled, and everything was okay.

My partner looked at me strangely, when I said I was going for a walk at night. It doesn't matter what he thinks. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I want to know him. I need him.


Two weeks later, I learned his name. Sai. It's perfect. I sigh every time I think of him. His pale skin, so fair and frail, his beautiful belly button, and his hair... Words cannot describe this feeling. What is it? I've never felt this way before.

It took me great pains every morning to wake up without him by my side, and leaving to complete missions no longer seemed possible. I left the Atasuki, I could not function without seeing my pale beauty. He is my everything... Sai.


The other day, I found out that he liked to draw. I smiled, finally I could somehow express my feelings. I zipped into town and bought out the entire art isle. I hope he likes it. My prince...

My prince was surprised when he saw my gift, waiting for him as his teammates made camp. His eyebrows scrunched up, and his face was so adorable that I wanted to leap out of hiding and squish them, but I could not. I promised myself I wouldn't. The prince, my Sai, he's too beautiful to touch. I must only look from afar... This is my ninja code.


Sai, Sai, my beautiful Sai! It was strange, lately images of my prince kept flooding my mind. I could not stop thinking about him, and a desperate urge gripped me with a fiend like intensity. Simply watching from afar isn't enough, not anymore.

I craved him, I lusted after him, I wanted him to be with me. I slipped out of the cave I was lurking in, and followed the scent of my beautiful prince. His every move, every word, every expression was beyond perfection.


I found him in Orochimaru's hideout. He was confronting Sasuke. I stifled a scream as boulders came rolling down, headed straight towards my Sai. I swept them aside, and then zipped back under the rocks where I was watching.

For a brief moment, I felt Sai's eyes on me. Had me noticed me? My body was instantly set ablaze, as my heart thumped and pumped out my ecstasy. But then his gaze shifted, and my world was silent once more. I could not come out now, I couldn't face my brother.

I would wait until he was alone. My beautiful Sai, my darling. I wonder if he knows how often I think of him now. I've sacrificed eating and drinking to watch him. At night, he doesn't sleep much. He stares at the stars - does he know that I stare at him?

His marvelous body in the moonlight sends chills up my spine. I couldn't help it, he was simply perfection. It was then, that he walked off from Naruto and Sakura. Finally, my chance has arrived!

I crept after him as he ventured further and further into the woods. I tugged the sled after me. Ten thousand white roses, for my love. He stopped at the edge of a clearing, and then turned around. He sensed me! But how?

Come out. He said, and my eyes widened with lust. His voice, it was magnificent, and he was talking to me!

I slid out of the bushes, and stared at his incredible jawline. How was it so marvelous? It was dark, and the full moon shone overhead, Sai's skin cast a milky shine. How I wanted to feel it, to caress his thighs...

I know who you are. Sai took a step closer to me, and I waited.

You're Itachi. I had to nod, my prince, he knows me! But wait, what is he doing? Why is he pulling out a - No! My prince! No! He only smirked, as he flipped to the page of the BINGO book.

The ninja code, you've broken it. I could get a hefty bounty from turning you in. Sai was void of emotion, and was prepared to strike.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him, and that's when I realized...

It wasn't Sai that I was obsessed about. No, there was another, with fair skin and obsidian eyes, with raven-hair and full of lies. I took one last look at Sai, just a lame replacement for my true Prince, my one true love.

My little brother... Sasuke.


I actually really liked this chapter. I really like itachi and the unrequited love thing. For a chapter written in such a short time its really beautiful. *Sniffs*


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And guys I know you have all heard about it. Let's take a moment to #prayforParis

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