Fairy Tail 1

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Chapter 1.
Title: Roommates
Pairing(s): Natsu and Levy, implied LuNa(cana and Lucy).
Genre: Friendship and Romance.

Levy awoke feeling very sore and very naked. She looked down and noticed she was actually naked. She groaned as she tired to move her legs as her thighs hurt really bad. She turned to the person sleeping beside her;Natsu who was smiling in his sleep.

She giggled lightly and kissed him on his forehead. "Looks like he is having a good dream." She said as she moved out of bed carefully but quickly as she wouldn't want to be caught by Gray and Gajeel in the room they shared with Natsu.

She looked around the room for her clothes but couldn't find them, not even her underwear.

"Ugh, this is so embarrassing", she thought as an image of Gajeel or Gray finding her panties and bra popped into her head.

She walked out of the room with a blanket covering her sanity. Outside the room was her clothes and underwear and Natsu's own scattered around the living room. She blushed lightly as she remembered how helping Natsu get his mind off things had led to a heated make out session with her boyfriend and things quickly escalated, before they knew it they were in bed.

She had convinced the others to leave her and Natsu behind, that she would talk to him since he was moping around because of what a fortune teller had told him yesterday.
Levy had dragged him into a fortune teller's shop while they were having fun yesterday.
The woman told him "You will not find what you are looking for.." He didn't even let her finish as he almost burned the whole place to the ground thinking she was referring to igneel.
Levy had tried to convince him that fortune telling were jokes and are not real but he had been moping around sine then. The others had left her to talk to him since they got along really well.

She picked up the underwears and clothes and slipped on Natsu's shirt before wrapping his scarf around her neck.She put Natsu's trouser in the boys room which surprisingly wasn't destroyed yet.

"Ezra had threatened the life out of them", she chuckled.

She packed her cloth to her and Lucy's room which was opposite that of cana and Ezra's.She put on her underwear grabbed her Gale reading glasses and one of Lucy's book. She went into the living room,settled into one of the couch and started reading.

Several minutes later she started wondering when the others would be back since they have been gone for hours. She,Lucy, Cana,Gajeel,Ezra,Natsu and Gray were on a mission. The mission was actually meant for team Natsu but Gajeel tagged along in case they needed extra help which Levy believed was a lie since Team Natsu is capable.
She suspected he came so that he can be closer to Ezra; they had a thing together. Surprising but true.Levy came because of Natsu and Cana because of Lucy; they had been really close since the tereno incident. And Gray came because he was part of Team Natsu; Levy seriously believed he would remain single if he doesn't learn to open up.

The door opened from outside and Gray,Ezra,Gajeel,Lucy and Cana came in.

"I took down more men than you did ice princess" Gajeel said with a smirk.

Levy sighed. He had a very big ego and she didn't like that.

"Metal head what did you say? You know you were asking for my help?" Gray said facing him.

"Would both of you be quiet?" Ezra glared at them while Lucy sweat dropped and Cana laughed.

Lucy was about to say something when she noticed Levy and she stopped.
The room suddenly become quite,all eyes on her. Levy became worried and touched her face to see if something was there.

"What? Is there something on my Face?"

Cana snorted while the others laughed. "Yes there is. That tired look you have when you just finished having sex." Cana told her plainly.

"H-How indecent" Ezra said facing cana,her face red. While Lucy sweat dropped and levy's face was already looking like Ezra's hair.

"I-i don't know what you are talking about"

Lucy laughed. " You dont need to hide it, you are wearing Natsu's shirt and scarf. "

It was then she realized that she had his shirt and scarf on. Knowing she had been caught she gave up trying to give excuse as she had none and Gray and Gajeel smirk which seemed permanently stuck to their face annoyed her.

"Damn, Salamander got a girlfriend before I did." Gray said.

"Well if you had a better attitude towards girls you would have a girlfriend. It looks like you would be single forever to me." Levy murmured but the whole group still heard and they all burst into laughter.

"What did you say?" Gray said

"Nothing", she replied quickly.

"These two just don't get along" Lucy complained.

Lucy and Cana suddenly had that evil looking smile on their faces and levy knew what it was. As she tried to run into the room they pulled her back and started tickling her since it was one of the easiest way to get something from her.

"Stop. P-ple-lease I beg you" she said in between laughter.

"So how was it?" They asked in unison.

"Should we be talking about this here" she asked.

"Come on." Lucy pleaded.

"Um okay. It was great and..." She said with a dreamy look and the girls squealed while the boys had that ever present smirk.

"Since when?"

"Um well, about a year ago." She said quietly.


"What. It's not like it was a secret, you people just didn't notice. Well Mira knew."

"That demon witch", Lucy murmured, a dark aura surrounding her.

"Well know one would notice. Salamander is the most oblivious person so we wouldn't expect him to know things like feelings." Gajeel said

"Well I noticed. The sexual tension between you two was so thick, you could slice it with a knife." Cana said and Levy blushed.

Lucy was about to complain about Levy not telling her when Natsu's energetic voice was heard.

"Levy, get back in here." He whined.Levy couldn't help the blush that spread round her face while the group couldn't contain their laughter.

Natsu finally emerged from the room in his boxers only, his manhood still erect.

"Where is my scarf" he said before noticing everyone's presence.

"He can be an animal sometimes" Levy groaned as she watched Ezra kick Natsu back into the room and everyone started laughing again.


Yes. The first chapter for Cracked Armada is done. So what did you think? Love it? Hate it? Upset because of the pairings?
Anyway don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you.
Update is next week Friday. Naruto is next.

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