Chapter Three

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I do not own Assassins Creed Brotherhood! Or the pictures!

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How long have I been lying on this very uncomfortable bed? And why isn’t it that no one has yelled at me to get up? Someone is probably coming to get me….please don’t tell me it’s Lucrezia. She always comes banging in my door right after the prince who is her brother, Cesare leaves me alone. Why the hell does she think that I like him?

The door snaps open, a beautiful lady with her chest just sticking out comes in, Lucrezia, “Servant, get up!”

I slowly get up, rubbing my head, “Yes ma’am?”

She runs up at me and grabs me by the collar, “You. You little ugly tramp! I know what you do with my brother!”

I grab her hand and slowly put it down, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

She glares at me, “You’re a toy, he uses you for lust!”

I look up at her in confusion, “Excuse me? What exactly goes on your mind between me and your brother? He is the one following me around! I don’t do anything! In fact, I can’t do anything!”

She steps back and crosses her arms, “Don’t lie to me!”

I cross my arms too, “Look, I do not love your brother....he’s all yours...”

I bite my tongue, I shouldn’t have said that.

She glares at me, “Pathetic human! If I only had power to ban you out of Rome!”

I roll my eyes. She always tells me the same things!

I sigh, “Go ahead, don’t even know how hard I am trying to get out of this bloody palace.”

She brushes her hair, “If I did get you out, I would be in so much trouble! They watch me whenever I go over to talk to you. They know that I hate you that much...that I might end up killing you”

I slowly nod my head, “Okay...why are you here? You tell me this lecture everyday right after Cesare...I mean the prince leaves”

I smile at her, she glares at me, “I despise you”

“I already guessed that…” I said with my voice rubbing off with heavy boredom.

She checks behind her and then sighs, “I can get you out….but you have to basically run for your life and…if you get caught…leave me out of it.”

I felt like a rabbit. Right when she said that she could get me out, I swear my ears just popped right out.

“I feel like you’re lying” I say as I narrow my eyes at her.

“Why would I lie? I want you out of here!” She says as fire spits out. I swear.

“Okay, show me out, without letting your brother chase me down. Again” I said seriously.

She picks up her dress, walks out the door and motioning me to follow her. We go down a couple hallways without being seen. The hallways were covered with rich portraits of previous kings and queens. They almost seemed like they watch you walking. Lucrezia picks the pace a bit faster and walks down a hallway I have never been through. Even though I am a servant and kinda supposed to know the castle in and out, there is still some places where were just not allowed.

She pulls a curtain down and a door appeared under it. She raises her eyebrows at me to show impression. No I’m not impressed.

“Okay…so, where does this lead to? It’s not a trap is it?” I narrow my eyes at her and spoke with confidence.

“No! I swear! Just follow the path and you will end up in a garden, this used to a door when the castle is under attack. When you get to the garden, shut the door behind you and secretly go down the hill. There you will see the city and hide! Then I won’t see your face anymore!” She clenches her lips together.

I take a deep breath out, “Okay, I am ready for my death wish. What if he catches me?”

She shrugs, “I will make sure they don’t catch up, I can make them late…and just don’t get caught!”

I had to really think about it. What if she is lying? But she doesn’t seem like she is though! And if I did manage to escape…where would I go? And what if he caught me!

I sigh, “Well, this is only one in a life time chance where you will help me…great”

I open the door and head out.

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