Chapter 9

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Sepher still hasn't moved, and I am slowly panicking. I don't know what to do!

I slowly move my hand towards his hand and I poke it. He doesn't move, did I honestly kill him? What am I gonna do, all the other Assassins will torture me and then kill me! I start breathing really hard.

"They will all kill me" I whisper.

Sepher's body starts shaking, and a burst of laugh comes from him. He didn't.

He sits up and is still laughing, "This was too funny, I have to try this again!"

I jump right on him, sitting now on his stomach, "You asshole! I thought I killed you!"

He was still laughing, "A tiny girl like you can't honestly kill me, I can't be killed that easily. You should have seen you're face!"

I punch him right below the eye. He sits up, making me fall over. He covers his eye, surprised.

"Wow, you can sure punch." he says with amazement.

"You're honestly the most vile man I have ever met, second place to Princey!"

He hovers his hand on top of his mouth, looking shocked, "I am very offended, why second place?"

I let out a scream, "You're so annoying!'

He starts laughing again, "wow, you sure are a angry little child. All that anger in you must be very irritating!"

I clench my hands, "I am not a child, let me go, I don't know why I am here"

He shrugs, " I don't know why you're here either!"

I cross my arms, "Fine, then move out of my way so I can leave"

He gets up and extends his hand down for me. Ignore it and get up myself.

"Whoops, forgot to tell you. But my fellow assassin's want to meet in take you hostage till the prince comes" he taps my nose.


I know I is short.

PLEASE comment and vote! Next update will be when I get 15 votes and 15 comments! :-)

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