Chapter 6

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Are you kidding me? Stuck between two guys I hate so much! Can my life get any worse?

Cesare tightens his grip on my arm and pulls me closer, "Let go of her arm right now, filthy Assassin"

The Assassin grip on my other arm also tightens, "Filthy? Have you looked at yourself?"

"I said let go of her"

"What if I don't want to?"

"You will be dead in the next few mintues anyways, I suggest you let go"

The Assassin laughs, "Are you sure about that?"

The next few seconds, everything happened really fast. The Assassin grips my arm and pulls me towards him and I get pushed on to the ground. Cesare launches himself on to the Assassin, the Assassin moves like a ninja and Cesare lands right on top of me. Great.

Cesare gets up and grabs my arm while getting up. I swear, my arms are probably red right now. The other soldiers surround the Assassin while I get dragged by princey boy. I bite Cesares hand, he let goes while I try running but of course I get pulled back by my hair. This princey boy sure knows how to get on someone's nerves. I start kicking his shins while he just laughs.

He let goes of my hair and grabs my waist, 'Woah, calm down Bella. I promise I won't kill you for running away.'

My face was a few centimeters away from his face, 'Let me go, princey'

I get dropped to the ground while Cesare grabs his face and struggles on the ground. The Assassin standing right between us. What then hell just happened?

The Assassin bends down in front of me, 'See, told you that you will be fine.'

I back away from him and he hits my neck, I fall right into the Assassins arms.

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