Chapter 12

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Stuck in a room with a handsome assassin, with no shirt on is very breathtaking and I feel a heart attack coming. He is finally going to kill me. 

i was trapped between him and the wall, right now i was staring at the wall, I mean his muscular abs.

His icy blue eyes keeps on staring into my ugly brown ones, "You can stare as long as you can at me, I admit, I am handsome"

I roll my eyes at him, "I wasn't staring...never mind. What are you doing?"

He leans in closer, "What am I doing? I should be asking you that."

I cross my arms, "Well, I was trying to escape, but you showed up..."

He lets out a small laugh, "Wow, you're brutally honest"

I shrug, "Even if I had said something else, you wouldn't believe me"

He smirks, "True"

I let out a sigh, "Okay look, I actually don't really want you guys to hand me back to princey...why can't you just get rid of me, or even better, let me run away. Than I will stop judging assassins!"

He raises his eyebrows, "Why would I let go of my doll?"

I raise my eyebrows, "I am not your doll, are you guys really going for the money?"

He shakes his head, "Were not that kind of people"

I glare at him, "Oh then what kind of people are you, those type that will just cut my head off or even better, hand me to princey without the money? Oh yea, that is much much better..."

He smiles and shakes his head, "You really hate assassins, don't you?"

I put my arms up in the air, "Of course I do! You kidnapped me!"

He let goes his arm against the wall, "Oh not this again, I didn't kidnap you, doll"

I glare at him, "Yeah, because I magically was on a bed surrounded by little puppets of yours"

He smiles, "They are cute puppets, right?"

I shrugged, "The kids were cute..."

He chuckles, "Its easy to change subjects when talking to you"

I bite my cheek, "Well, what am I supposed to do? Stand here and argue with you until you kill me?"

He narrows his eyes at me, "I'm not going to kill you, maybe later, but not right now"

I gulp, "That makes me feel much better"

He starts laughing, "Were not going to kill you, the only hands that will get covered by your blood is the ignorant boy who calls himself prince"

I smile, "Ohh, someone has a crush on the prince"

He glares at me, "On that son of a-"

I point my finger at him, "ohhh, dear Sepher has a crush on the beloved prince!"

He leans in closer, now my back was touching the wall, and the other wall I call his abs was squishing me against the wall. Oh gosh, this assassin gets angry really fast. 

His glare turns into a smirk, "Are you jealous?"

I burst out laughing, "So you admit you incredibly in love with princey?"

He glares at me, "Now now kitty cat, you don't want me mad"

I couldn't stop laughing, "You know, you can just say, no I am not in love with him!"

His glare darkens, "I don't bring my self down towards your filthy level"

That made me mad, he is the type of man who think they are better than everyone else. 

I bite my the inside of my cheek, "Just like the prince, it's like you guys are one person"

"Do not compare me to that filth!" He yells. 

"Really, stop, you're not making a good impression right now..." I whisper. 

"You're pathetic"

"And you're not?"

"You're a tramp"

"Feelings mutual!"

He lets out a heavy sigh, "You're really annoying. I think just handing you to the prince alive is a great idea. I will be glad that you're with him, yelling at him with you're annoying pathetic insults. I do like my enemies struggling with pain."

Ouch, am I really that loud and annoying?


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