Chapter 15

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Long time no update?


I was screaming for my life, and my death. I didn't want to die yet! 

"Please I am begging you with my life right now! I rather have a quick death than tortured til I die!" 

Sepher was on the other side of the room, sitting on the chair pointing a knife. Where is that knife going you wonder? My head. Well....the apple thats on top of my head. 

He starts laughing, "I will get the apple, don't worry."

I keep on yelling, "No! No! I don't want a knife in my eye!"

Sepher laughs and gets closer, twirling the knife around his fingers, "Awe, my doll doesn't trust me?"

I spit right at his face, "Of course I don't!"

He wipes his face with his sleeve and glares at me, "Okay now I will make sure I am for your eye!"

I start screaming my lungs out and apparently that was super funny according to Sepher. He starts laughing dropping the knife on the ground and holding his stomach.

"oh gosh my doll, you are too funny" he says while wiping his fake tears. 

My heart was pounding so hard, yes I know now I how I am going to die. 

I was about to say something when two men come in. They were big and...mean looking. They take one look at me and start laughing. 

One of the guy starts walking towards Sepher, "Ah man, why do you get all the fun?"

I notice Sepher tense up and stops twirling the knife, "Just some work."

The other guy grabs one of the knives in the corner and twirls it, "This looks like fun, let me try."

Sepher steps in front of them, "No, don't do this now."

I think my heart stopped beating, I can't breathe. Now I will be killed by three men. 

The guy jabs Sephers shoulder with his finger, "Oh settle down, you don't want a real problem here do you?

Sepher backs up, clenching his fists. He looks towards me and gives me a small nod.

How dare he, giving me up? To these mean guys?

The guy smiles and gets ready to aim the knife to the poor apple on top of my head. 

I start screaming, "No, no please no"

They both start laughing and decides to throw the knife together. 

One of them says, "She screams a lot, might as well hit her in the head."

I immediately close my mouth, and hold my breath. 

Rest in peace my poor soul. 

I close my eyes and in seconds the apple falls on to the ground with the one knife. While the other knife hits my shoulder. 

Tears hit my eyes and I scream. 


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