Chapter 8

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 I do not own Assassin Creed Brotherhood! Or the pictures!


I glared at the man that kidnapped me, well saved me but in my eyes; kidnapping! The children move out of my way, and the Assassin starts walk over. His pathetic expression on his face still hasn't left. 

He stretches his arms, "How's my puppet feeling?"

I keep glaring at him, "Puppet really?"

He put one hand over his heart and pretends to look hurt, "What? No Thank you awesome amazing Assassin for saving my life?"

I cross my arms, "You didn't save my life! I saved yours!"

He crosses his arms but taps his chin with one hand, "Hmm, are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

I roll my eyes, "You wish"

He keeps tapping his chin, "So was I the one screaming from the pathetic prince?"

I sit up straighter, "Ah, he wouldn't have found me if you hadn't tied me to a tree!"

He comes closer and sits on the bed, "I didn't tie you to a tree"

I glare at him, "Don't play games, yes you did"

He leans closer, "No I didn't"

I lean back, "You're being a coward"

He leans closer with a smirk, "Coward?"

He was getting on my nerves, "Yes, coward. You heard me!"

He taps my nose, "Calling me a coward is very rude, don't you kids think so?"

I open my mouth to say something but get interrupted by one of the kids, "Master Sepehr is not a coward! Assassins aren't cowards!"

I narrow my eyes at the kid, "His name is Sepehr and pfft master?"

The Assassin sits up, "Yes, I'm Sepehr"

I glare at him, "I wasn't talking to you"

He puts on finger in front of him, "Ah, but you were talking about me"

I cross my arms and sigh, "Why am I arguing with you?"

He crosses his arms, "I'm not arguing with you"

I bite my cheek, "What is wrong with you!"

He shrugs, "Nothing is wrong with me"

"You're annoying"

"I'm not annoying"

"You're being dumb"

"I'm not being dumb"

He was getting on my nerves, "Okay fine, now let me go"

He smiles, "Why would I let you go?"

I shrug, "Because, Princey will be looking for me, and I know he will find me"

"He won't find you"

I glare at him, "I know he will, and why do you care"

He smirks, "I don't care"

This man knew how to get on people nerves, "Well then you won't care if I just magically disappear?"

He narrows his eyes, "You won't magically disappear"

I raise my eyebrows, "Actually I will"

He keeps on smiling, “Actually I don’t think you will”

I glare at him and get up from the bed, “Watch me”

He keeps on sitting on the bed while the kids scurry out the door, “Okay, I’m watching”

I clench my hands and run for the door, but before even touching the door I get thrown over his shoulder.

I start screaming and kicking, “How dare you! Cheater! Put me down!”

He holds me with one arm and laughing, “Cheater? How did I cheat?”

I keep on screaming, and then I get an Idea. I could see his whole back, but his right arm did not have any armour on the shoulder. I lean down and I bit hard.

He lets out a growl and throws me down. I hit the ground and he quickly turns around buts slips on my leg. He smacks on the ground hitting his head on the sharp corners of the door.

His head bangs on the floor and his whole body stops moving.

Oh my. Did I just kill the greatest assassin ever? Should I cry or laugh? 



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