Chapter Four

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I started running through the path for about 5 minutes. I hit another door in the dark. I find the handle and open. In front of me was a wide open yard, I climb up the stairs and realise the door is stuck to the ground.

Was I traveling up a hill? It didn’t feel like it....

She wasn’t lying. Wow!

 I sigh and look back; the castle was far away from me. I start running down the hill right after I close the door and cover it with sticks and grass. Yep, I’m so creative.

I trip over my own feet and tumble down the hill, making grass stains on my knees and elbows. My dress gets caught in a twig and it rips half of my dress. Now the dress is up to my knees. What are the people in the city going to say? Shame on this girl.

I try pulling my dress lower, but it didn’t even shift down. I sit up and realize I was an inch away from the small river. I jump back and take a deep breath. Right then I hear a voice behind me.

“What is a tramp doing at the bottom of a hill?” Said a husky deep voice.

I quickly turn around and face a man, not just any man. An Assassin, brand neatly white clothing with red stripes hidden around. They were basically thieves around here, well that’s what I hear in the castle. Their criminals, killing innocent people. And they had this Brotherhood group....which I thought it was gay.

I bite my tongue, “Excuse me? A tramp you say? Just because of my dress? If you haven’t noticed....I ripped it”

He folds his arms, “ look like a tramp”

A tramp means....a slut, a whore. A woman who sleeps around with countless men.

I get up and brush the dirt off my dress, I fold my arms, “Well excuse me, got to go”

I can’t start arguing with an Assassin! And I have to run away quickly before Cesare finds me!

I turn around and start walking beside the river. In seconds, the Assassin was in front of me.

“You’re running away” He says while smirking.

I ignore him and try to pass him. But keeps blocking my way. I go to the side and he gets in front of me. Finally, I get sick of it.

“Look, leave me alone” I say while I cross my arms.

He leans in closer to my face and smirks, “No”

I couldn’t see his eyes, and I really wanted to rip his hood off. Control Bella.

“I don’t know what to stare at” I said trying to control my laughter.

He leans back and smiles, “Just out of the blue, huh?”

I couldn’t help but smile, “I seriously need to go, please just move...”

He crosses his arms, “I could care less”

I narrow my eyes at him in confusion, “Excuse me? Then leave me alone!”

He smirks, “But I don’t feel like it...”

I push his chest away and he didn’t even budge. Then I tried sneaking between his legs and he traps me under. Then I go for his leg, and bite it. He pulls his leg up and starts laughing. I was lying on the ground, angry. He bends down and sits on my stomach.

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