Chapter 11

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I do not own Assassins Creed! :)

Sepher on the side :)


“Pathetic piece of UGH” I yell out.

I try getting up from the stone cold ground but my hands were tied behind my back. I also noticed how I am in a different room now, one with no windows and no assassins. Great.

At first I was surprised that I was not dead. Then horror washed over me, they’re going to send me back to princey alive. They don’t even know what that dumb ass princey does to me! Its complete torture I’m telling you!

I sit up with my knees against my chest and my hands uncomfortably tied up behind me. There was a candle lit in the corner of the room, that was providing the light for me. The room was a brown colour and the door had no handle. I am getting tortured right?

I had to think of a way to get out, and possibly get out of this hellhole alive....or at least in one piece. It’s alright if I lose an arm or something.  These assassins are one attractive scary bunch! They will do anything to get money! How dare that excuse of a prince put up signs looking for me, and pfft, princess? Really princey, is this payback?

I had an idea, possibly one of the greatest plans I have ever had. I can use the candle fire to burn the rope tying me up! It was gonna be tricky, what if I burn myself? It wouldn’t be the first time...

How the heck am I going to be able to walk over to the candle, I am wearing a dress and my hands are tied behind my back. I sigh, and get on my back, I start pushing my legs back so I can get near the candle. Oh this would be so embarrassing if an assassin walked in with me lying on the ground looking like an idiot.  I finally get to the corner of the room, I sit up on my knees and bend my back backwards so my hands can feel the warmth of the fire. I accidently touch the fire and I whimper.  I finally get the rope to burn,  but it was also burning my hands. The rope was getting lose, and right when it was lose enough I pulled my arms back. I looked at my hands, and my palms and thumbs were bright red, my hands couldn’t stop shaking and it hurt like hell.

How the heck am I supposed to fight with burning hands? Did I just say that I was going to fight? Oh heck no. I stand up and stand beside the door with the stool the candle was on. I was planning to hit the person whoever walks in. Hopefully I manage to hit them and not myself.

I heard footsteps walking towards the door, I got really excited.

The person behind the doors were juggling keys, “Hey princess, are you still asleep in there, haven’t heard any yells.”

The door opens and he walks in, I step out and hit him as hard as I can with the stool. He collapses and I jump up and down with excitement. I grab his short knife and sprint out the door. There was a long hallway, very dark and more hallways following them. I manage to hide myself away from the other assassins. However, an assassin sees me from a couple hallways away through a window and starts sprinting my way. I start running through halls and open a door.

I open the door and my mouth hits the ground. I have never seen a beautiful man especially with those abs in my life. He turns around and my face turns bright red. It was Sepher.

His smug expressions breaks out into a smirk, “Now, now kitty cat. Are you lurking?”

I open my mouth to say something but think against it, I quickly turn around, ready to break out into a sprint. Not even managing to pass through the doors, Sepher puts me over his shoulder and takes me back to his room and shuts the door.

Princey can save me right now if he wants to. 

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