Chapter 13

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I was being dragged through the hallway by my hair, wait let me correct that. I was forcibly dragged by my hair through the hallways, screaming because it hurt. People can't just pull woman's hair, it hurts...a lot!

I grab Sephers hand, "Let me go, this hurts!"

He stops walking and turns around, "Thats what you get"

He let goes of my hair and I glare at him, "For what? Its not my fault you're in love with princey!"

He growls and picks me up from my waist and put my struggling body over his shoulder. This is like the second time he has done this!

I start screaming, "Put me down! Do not send me back to that monster!"

He ignores me and keeps on walking through a bunch of hallways and arrives at a door. 

He starts knocking, "She is getting really annoying, and keeps on running away. She even managed to escape her room, that she was locked in! What am I supposed to do with her?"

I start screaming, "Hey maybe, you can let that girl go and live happliy ever after, by herself!"

The door opens and the same man from before who was standing beside Sepher shows up.

Sepher drops me to the ground, and I smack my whole left side of my body with a thud on the ground. I get up glaring at him.

The man, who was just staring at me, sighs, "That must have hurt"

Sepher shrugs, "Not my fault woman are such trouble"

I punch him on the arm, and a cry of pain hits my knuckles, "Ow!"

He shrugs again smirking, "Weak"

I was about to jump on him but the man steps right between us. I could now clearly see his face, and he looked gorgeous. He had a perfect face. Are all the assassin amazingly handsome or is something wrong with me. I am pretty sure they gave me something to imagine them all perfect looking. That must be it. 

The man breaks into a small laugh and Sepher behind him burst out laughing. Why are they laughing? No...don't tell me I just said all that out loud? What is wrong with me?

I cross my arms and turn my head away from them. I could feel the heat rising to my face, I am pretty sure it is bright red now. 

i cover my face, "Be quiet!"

Sepher tries to stop laughing and gets near my face, "You just admitted that I am handsome!"

I wanted to hide in a corner for the rest of my life, "I said be quiet! I don't care what you think, and its so obvious that its true!"

That man covers his mouth to stop laughing but didn't succeed, "I apologize for laughing. But I assure you that we did not drug you"

I cross my arms, "You guys are a bunch of wannabe cocky little-"

Sepher covers my mouth with his hand, "Sorry, forgot to tell you that she has a terrible tongue"

The man nods, "Let her go, lets speak in the room about what were going to do with her"

Sepher let goes and I turn around and kick him between his legs and run for my life. Again. 

All I hear while running from them is the man laughing and Sepher crying in muffed pain.


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