Chapter 14

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Do not own Assassins Creed Brotherhood!

SORRY! Man, yes we all know that I suck at updating! Sorry about that! 

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I was running for my life....again. I didn't really know where I was exactly heading to, I was just running through the halls, making sure I don't see any assassins and if I do.

Just run Bella, don't worry, just run. 

I hear voices, who's voice exactly. Oh that's right, the voice of the man I kicked. I start running even faster, trying to hold my dress which was extremely hard since it is so heavy. 

I hear heavy footprints coming closer and closer, and if my heart had legs. It would be running, leaving my hollow soul behind. That didn't even make sense, but just nod with me. 

I see a little closet door, and I open the door which revealed a bunch of dirty cloths. I didn't care and I just hid in there. 

I hear a couple footsteps pass the closet, but someone stops right in front of the closet. I start panicking. I didn't want to die yet, especially in the hands of Sepher idiot.

I gulp and I hear laughter. Yep, this is Sepher in front of the closet. Someone should plan my funeral. 

I hold my breathe and I hear Sepher say, "Darling, do you think were that idiotic?"

I don't say anything but in my head I was freaking screaming yes. 

Sepher keeps on talking, "The only closet in the hallway, and the girl magically disappears, oh where could she be?"

Is he taunting me? 

He keeps on talking, "Here I will give you a deal, if you open the door yourself then I won't hurt you, but if I open it then bad things will happen."

I gulp, don't trust assassins. Don't trust assassins. Awe, Bella but he is a cute assassin. Bad conscience!

I open the closet door and see a very happy Sepher. He smiles at me and I gulp.

He grabs my arm and puts me over his shoulder, "Didn't anyone tell you not to trust assassins?"

I start yelling and punching his back, while he is holding my legs down on his torso. His hand slowly goes up my back of thigh and closer to my butt. 

I start screaming, "Get your hands away from my-"

He taps my butt and starts laughing, "Too late!"

I keep on screaming, "Put me down you idiotic manipulative liar!"

He puts me down and cups my face, "I am not a liar. Repeat after me."

My face was squished together, and my hands were trying to push his hands away. 

I muffle out, "No. you. are. a. liar!"

He gets closer to my face, "I said, I am not a liar. Repeat or bad things will happen!"

I muffle out again, "See! Liar!"

He shakes my head and grabs me by my arm. He starts dragging me through the halls by my arm. I try yanking back my arm, but dear lord I did not want my shoulder pop out of my body. 

I keep on screaming, making sure I annoy the hell out of everyone in this whatever place! If I am suffering, they shall be too!

I stop screaming and realize were getting closer to a smaller hallway, and into big doors. Revealing a working area, full of knives....crossbows...and a bunch of other sharp things. 

Oh dear, Sepher is finally going to kill me. He is going to butcher me and send my pieces to Princey. 

Can this be the worst way to die or what? Being killed by the second close to the first man you hate? Princey is first by the way. Sepher is a .5 to Princey. Right now though, Sepher is first. 

I start screaming and trying to run away, but he had his arm around my waist and trying to drag me in. 

During the process of him tugging on my poor soulless body, and me trying to run away from this devil, he was laughing. 

I turn around and start hitting his chest, "Let me go you perverted crazy killer!"

He kept on laughing, "Calm down! I am not going to kill you! Yet!"

He keeps on laughing and manages to tie my body around another wood form, not a tree this time, just a thing holding the roof. 

He ties me around with a rope, making sure my hands were stuck on the side. Then he gets closer to my face.

He smirks and says, "Have you ever played the game, lets try to hit the apple? Well the apple will be on your head, and I need to hit it. With a knife."

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