chapter 10

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I don't own assassin creed!


Surrounded by Assassins and tied to a chair isn't what I was planning to when I said I was going to run away. Sepher with his smug face was standing beside a very attractive man, looking amused at me trying to untangle from the rope. What do they want from me? My grave would say, 'pathetic servant killed by attractive Assassins' someone save me.

"You guys are vile, why would you tie up a poor lady to a chair?" I spoke with confidence.

Sepher smirks, "I don't see a lady"

Everyone laughs, except the man beside Sepher. He just turns his head and smiles. My confidence of trying to escape just shattered.

"This is what you do to your host? If you guys are trying to use me as a bait to try and capture that pathetic excuse for a prince, well, you have no luck. He doesn't give a rats ars about me"

The man beside Sepher finally speaks up, "Then why has he put up these signs all over the city?"

He holds up a sign with a drawing of me saying, ' Lost Princess, If Found, 10 grand.'

I start breathing really slowly, " l-ost Prin-cess? He wants me dead, he truly wants me dead."

Sepher starts laughing, "You're just a servant, he really wants you bad, huh?"

I glare at him, "Shut up, so you guys just want the money. You guys truly are what people say, a load of pathetic idiots gambling for money."

All of a sudden, someone tilts my chair back, now my legs are hanging and my chair is only standing on two feet.

I yell out a scream and the one behind me breathes on my neck, " A load of pathetic idiots? Is that really what they call us out there?"

I didn't want to say anything because I was scared he was going to let go of the chair and I would smack my face on the cement.

The one behind me slowly tilts the chair back on its four feet and walks in front of me, he had shaggy blonde or brown hair with brown eyes. Are all Assassins attractive or is something wrong with me. Or are they what I think they are?

I hold my breath, "Are you guys going to kill me, because I am fine with that. Just don't send me back to the princey alive or wait if you guys really wanted the money then just send me dead to him."

There was a silence, "so come on get it over with. Make it quick."

Sepher walks towards me, "you're getting really annoying."

He hits the back of my neck, and I was out.



15 votes and 15 comments till next update! Special thanks to that one commenter that commented 17 times! I love you!

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