Chapter 7

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I do not own Assassin Creed Brotherhood or any of the pictures!

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I wake up to several young children staring at me wide eyed. I slowly sit up and realize I am on a bed and in a small room with nothing but a door and some chairs. The children keep staring at me and it gets on my nerves. Honestly, I love children but come one don’t stare at me like I killed someone!

I pretend to cough, “Sorry, but where exactly am I?”

One of the little children whispers, “He brought you here, he said to keep a watch on you”

I narrow my eyes at the little blonde boy, “And who is this he?”

This little brown haired girl beside me starts to whisper, “He won’t hurt you, don’t worry”

I smile at her, “Okay, um, can I um, move?”

They were all so close to the bed, how can I move? The kids all shake their head, and I let out a sigh. Seriously, where is this Assassin? I want to punch him in the face several times. I remember that he knocked me out and got away from Cesare. Am I in like an Assassin hide out? Is he going to kill me? Or is he going to torture me?

I gulp, “So do you know who this Assassin is?”

All of them smile and one speaks out, “This is where the Assassins home is, they all meet here”

What is wrong with these children, so far they have avoided every question I have asked!

I nod my head, “Okay, how about you show me around here?”

The all shake their heads and the blonde boy says, “He said that you’re a puppet, we have to keep watch on his doll”

I could feel my face heat up, doll? Excuse me idiotic Assassin, but who the hell do you think you are to call me a puppet? I want to get out of here now!

I take a deep breath, calm down Bella, they are children; do not let out your anger on them!

I smile, “Aw, he called me a doll? How sweet of him! Can you go bring him so I can thank him for saving me?”

I bite my lip, I hope these children aren’t masters at figuring out when people lie or not because I am just spitting out venom full of lies.

The little brown haired girl smiles, “He said he will come whenever he has time”

I bite my cheek, If I could only move out of this bed. Think Bella, they are children. What do children love?

I smile, “You know what, you guys are adorable and just amazing little kids. He talked about how good you guys were so he let me buy something for you guys….except I dropped it on the way here. Should we go and look for them? I promise, you guys will love what me and him got for you guys!”

The children smile and nod, I smiled back at them. They start to move towards the door and I slowly get up. The door opens and a familiar face pops in.

“Well, well. Our little doll finally decides to wake up” 

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