Relationships can be horrible and they can be great. My old relationship was very horrible but my current one is amazing.
There's one thing though, you cannot expect one person to fix everything. So many people just want someone to be with so that it'll all be better. And the right guy/girl can make a lot of things much easier. It's important to know though that not everything can be fixed and made perfect from one person coming into your life. I have an absolutely amazing man is my life that is the reason I am alive. But still life is not perfect, I still cut, I still feel poorly about myself, my parents still bug me, my grandpa is still dying of cancer, my grandma is still dead, I'm still depressed, I still have anxiety attacks, I still have a horrible past, and he makes a lot of it better and easier but will never be able to fix these things.
I really just want people to know that getting better is a process that you need to do for yourself because no one else can do it for you.
Thanks for reading. Good luck with everything on your journey.