Chapter 1

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To most, he seemed human.

The man stood beside the queen's throne smiling kindly down at the woman with cobalt blue eyes watching her with both interest and worry. Behind him, his snow white tail moved slowly as his pair of canine ears, matching the tail's color, flattened against his head. He was muscular, and his bare arms were covered in scars; it was clear this man was a warrior who had seen battle, making it all the stranger that he was afraid of this young woman.

The young queen, Viola, was standing beside her throne with a frown. She was a fair young maiden, having gained her throne at the young age of nineteen, not even quite an adult. Now, at twenty-five, her skin was a fine porcelain color and her hair jet black. She was smaller in frame than nearly everyone around her having spent her life in the castle and away from the outside. Her green eyes cast downward as she spoke to the man beside her.

"I know this is painful, But it is for the best. They will come for them, and you will not be able to tame the power he is going to contain." He said slowly, not from the lack of understanding, but rather trying to avoid the touchy subject they were forced to speak about. "If left untrained he will be a powerful force, one that could easily level this city without a second thought. And if they found out about him they would do far worse than just this city."

Viola shook her head with tears welling in her eyes, more so from anger than sadness. "Nomas, you know just as well as I that we cannot allow you to take my son. He not going to be a monster like them, like you were. He won't be born among you, he will be born here." She said looking up at the warrior. "If we stay here we could protect them, keep this from him, and keep you safe."

Rubbing the hilt of the sword slung loosely on his waist Nomas shook his head. "It isn't as simple as where one is born. This is part of his species. A natural instinct, he is going to find out." He said shaking his head slowly, he was having trouble getting her to understand. "Shifters cannot remain among other species because they always cause trouble. Even when they are unaware of their abilities."

The queen stood shaking her head feverishly looking suddenly to the man. "We can protect you." She said taking a step closer to him. "There are more of us than them, we have a whole country at our command. We would stop them."

The man seemed annoyed at her action, but when he was suddenly taken into her embrace his face softened. "Viola, my queen, my love." He said before wrapping his arms around her feeling her heart beating against his chest. "This pains me more than you will ever know." He said letting a sigh, "These men are not something you can fight."

"I don't care, they can't take you from me again. I love you Nomas, and no one will take that away from us." He knew this hurt her, and he would do anything to keep her safe, which is why he needed to do what he did. He pulled her away and looked her hard in the eyes.

"I'll be back, I promise, but I need to make sure that they don't ever find you. About them." He said looking at the woman for a long moment. "You are the only thing I have left. And I need to protect you."

"Can't you stay another day? Another hour?" She asked looking away, "At least for their birth?"

He shook his head. "I... I." He paused seeing the pain in her eyes, he knew that this was something she couldn't bear alone, and he wouldn't let her. Nodding Nomas took her hand. "I will."


Human birth was far faster than Nomas had known it to be, taking no more than a few hours he stood beside the queen with the young children in his arms. The first was what Nomas hoped of it, human, through and through, something that he had desperatly hoped for. He smiled brightly down at the infant looking up at them with their black hair and pale skin making it clear that they were Viola's child. Their broght blue eyes looking up and seeming to brighten the rooma s it watched its father.

The other though...

Nomas was pained to see that attached to the infants back was the small orange tail. Canine, like his father's. Matched by the pair of ears atop his head. Nomas rarely felt flustered nor uneasiness but this was something he knew was going to happen. He knew that he couldn't leave here without him, but the queen would never allow it.

Nomas looked up at the pair of large wooden doors leading to the courtyard. He knew that he needed to leave without the child, and it was the only way to protect them all. The trio of heart beats slammed against Nomas' skull making him shake his head. He sighed setting the child in his mother's arm. "I'm sorry Viola. But if I don't get moving now they are going to find you."

She nodded with apprehension looking at the children. "At least name one of them." She said looking up at the warrior as he stood.

Nomas let a sigh before pointing to the human, "Sampson. Sun Child." He said before turning on a heel and heading towards the exit.

Viola's lip trembled. "I... Nomas." She said with tears welling again. The warrior stopped a moment before looking back. "I want to name him Nomas." She said as the tears started to stream down her face.

Nomas started walking again, he wanted to stay, but he knew any longer at her side and he would not be able to bring himself to leave. The last she saw of him was the flash of his white tail as he turned into the large pristine white fox turning the corner.

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