Chapter 4

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Sampson was practilly screaming as they both charged through the castle, "How do you think they are getting past our wards?" He asked as they both scrambled around a corner hearing the distant sound of battle echoing down the halls.

Nomas shook his head violently knowing that they must have had a way into the castle before the attack started. "It doesn't matter. All I know is that without them we are going to be struggling from whatever this is. We need to hurry and get mom so we can get the secondary defences up." He said with a frown. "The guards will be busy keeping back wahtever assault they've prepared, and if they hold a siege..." Nomas said with a frown as his mind was reeling trying to piece together what was going on.

"The gate was open though. They could have just walked in an attacked, there would be no need for seige weapons or indirect spells like that." Sampson reasoned. "There is something off about this attack."

The pair charged into the main hall and stopped short seeing the scene playing out before them. A man was standing there with a sword drawn fighting a pair of guards. He was stout and powerful looking. Weilding a single large blade nearly as long as Nomas was tall the man was easily holding the men back using the blade that seemed to move faster than a human should have been able to.

"My lord." A guards shouted holding the man back a moment. "Get to the queen. She needs to be gone." The break in concentration was enough for the large man to send his blade through the guard's shoulder. He fell to the ground screaming in pain as he was forced to his knees.

Nomas grabbed Sampson hard by his shoulder and shoved him hard to keep moving. "I'll help them. You go get to mom, she's going to need your help. I'll be there soon." He promised with a weak smile. Sampson just nodded before sprinting down the hall.

As Nomas turned his gaze back to the man he saw as the guard slammed his blade hard into the attacker's arm. The man only looked towards his second victim as he grabbed the blade lodged in his arm and easily threw it to the side, with the guard still attached. He was slammed against the stone wall with a loud snap, Nomas could only assume it was the man's back by the way he landed limply to the ground without even a breath. "Mortals..." The man said as the wound in his arm began to seal with flesh, nothing was left but a small trickle of blood and the scar fom the now gone wound.

The creature cocked his head far and took a big sniff towards the air. "Fox..." He said suddenly as he turned to face Nomas. "I should have known you would come to protect your home. Are these humans really worth your life?" He asked with a smile. It was clear this man knew something about Nomas, and that worried him more than anything. "Or will you insist on fighting me?"

Nomas frowned drawing his blade with a scowl. "I am not going to let you hurt anyone else. You're a killer, and you are going to die with those you hurt." He said readying the blade. But there was no way to prepare for the sudden onslaught of steel the creature unleashed. The single blade moved faster than Nomas' eyes could follow and it was only through sheer luck that he blocked the first attack that was aimed for his chest.

"Die?" The man asked standing tall as his blade slowed its assault. "I am not going to fall to the blade of a fox." He said with a smile. Nomas' ears dropped flat on his head as he realized what the man knew, no one outside of his mother and brother knew about his ailment. How could this brute know about it. "Oh? Did I strike a nerve? I'm not suprised. Trying all this time to keep that hidden." He said with a smile as the blade raised to strike again. "But that won't be hidden much longer."

Nomas saw now that this man was incredibly large. Nearly two heads taller than he, and he was decorated across most of his skin with dull grey patches of skin that looked hard and calloused. Raising his sword again to meet his enemy's. They classed with a loud tang but Nomas was no match for the brute's strength. His blade snapped cleanly in half from the his and the tip crashed loudly to the floor.

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