Chapter 7

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Nomas awoke with a jolt. With sweat beading down his face Nomas gripped his arm firmly expecting the warm heat of blood, yet there was none. He could have sworn there was blood covering him and he could still feel his body crawling with them. Yet as he checked there weren't any that he could find. Just faded scars.

The room was nearly pitch black, but he couldn't tell if it was actually dark or just because the curtains were drawn to hide it. In the darkness, he heard a quiet scrapping as if someone was shaving a wall. Across from where he was laying was a pair of large eyes colored deep green staring out at him from across the room.

"You're awake." The voice said quietly as the scrapping stopped and he coudl hear the sound of someone approaching. A match was stuck lighing the face of the archer from before. "I was beginning to think you weren't worth the pain of getting you out of there." He said as he began lighting a small lantern beside the bed.

Nomas hadn't gotten a good look at him before. Across his face was a single large scar on his left chin that he seemed to care little about seeing as he could easily cover it with facial hair. Yet he was clean shaven.

"What happened?" Nomas asked rubbing his head and forcing his ear through his fingers. He was having trouble getting his bearings as the room felt like it was swirling around him. It was hard to tell what was going on and the only solid anchor he could feel was the bed. "Where am I?"

"A lot." The elf said simply as he went back to scratching at his piece of wood, it looked like he was carving a horse out of it. "In short, we got you out of Adorea while it was overrun with shifters."

Nomas shook his head slightly, he knew it hadn't been a dream, it all made too much sense to bo one. He sighed before nodding towards the elf and trying to step out of the bed. The knife came from what seemed like nowhere as it was pressed against his throat.

Pausing he looked to the man, their eyes locked for a long moment. Nomas could see the cold calculation in the elf's face as he stared him down. Nomas' hair stood on end as he felt his heart racing suddenly.

"Where do you think you're going?" The elf asked without breaking his stare. "Your body just went through its first attempt to change. You have three broken ribs and yous mind still isn't working like normal. An outburst like that could have been enough to kill you."

The elf took a moment before standing and stabbing the knife into the headboard of the bed. Nomas bit his tongue as he kept his stare on the man. Placing his hand against Nomas' bandaged chest he pressed Nomas back onto the bed. "If you're gonna walk then you need to let me help you."

"Where am I?" Nomas repeated again with a frown. He already didn't like this man avoiding all his questions and trying to pin him to the bed. "I demand to know what happened to my family? What's going on in Adorea?"

The man sighed. "Come on, you need to talk to the weaver. She said to send you to her as soon as you were well enough to walk." He said offering a hand, Nomas stood with a scowl and pressed the hand away from him.

He groaned quietly feeling emense pressure on his head but he was not going to let this man help him. "Where am I?" Nomas said again as he walked towards the door. "I am not talking to you until you tell me." He said throwing the door open as he was blinded by the sudden wash of light.

It had to be mid-afternoon by the way the light was shining through nearly every window. Even in his weakened state, Nomas knew he wasn't anywhere near his home. The canopy of trees always seemed to hide such bright lights from the city.

This building was larger than he thought it was as he stood in the hall, it was wide enough for three people to stand side by side with ease and had stairs at the far end. He started walking towards them with a frown as the floorboards creaked loudly with each pained step.

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