Chapter 15

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As the pair approached the building, Constantine was at the edge of the balcony motioning them to hurry. He looked stressed and was waving his hands franticly as he tried to get them to come closer. "Hurry." He demanded nearly throwing them into the building.

Nomas was still suffering his head ache but the way Constantine spoke made the hair on Nomas' neck stand on end. Fear, anger, sadness. All filled Nomas' head again as he was leaned against the inside of the door. It was locked with several large bolts and Constantine began to nail large boards to the inside holding it shut.

"What's going on?" Selene asked looking at her father with a frown. He was barely still on his feet but Selene quickly pulled her father to a chair.

"We've been found out." He said quickly as he looked into the bedroom. Nomas frowned knowing that meant he wasn't alone any longer. Kristen and Flynn appeared from the other room and moved in as well. Flynn looked tired, his hair was moved in all directions and his armor was hastily put on.

Kristen though seemed perfectly fine, his clothes were pressed and his armor freshly polished. Nomas could smell spearmint on his, though he could not say if it was his breath or his body permeated the smell.

The paladin placed a firm hand on Nomas' chest and he could feel a warmth her could not explain as he felt his insides squirm and adjust. He could feel the pressure in his head start to subside as he stood there with his headache seeming like a distant memory. "There." He said with a gruff voice. It sounded as if he hadn't slept in the two days he had been gone.

"I have a sword in the kitchen Nomas. Are you familiar with its use?" Constantine asked with a frown as he defied his daughters actions and began towards the front window and was starting to seal it. The pair of men disappeared into the bedroom again and he could now hear hammering from that room as well.

He frowned heading into the small kitchen and grabbing the blade that was tucked behind the door. He returned tying it to his wasit and looking to Constantine. "Whose found us?" Noams asked with a frown, though it wasn't hard for him to piece together that the villagers were likely after them after th way he acted earlier in the day. "And where are the others?"

"They are here. Just not in this room. They are keeping Dani safe in the basement." He said with a frown. "If all else fails we are throwing you and Selene down there as well."

"What?" Nomas sputtered quickly. "I'm not going to hide while you try and fight-" Constantine whirled around with his hand grabbing Nomas hard in the nec. He looked nothing like he had the past few days. He had an intesity to him, his eyes glowing bright green from behind his dark hair, his face no longer had the sheen of drunkenness. He looked clean now, and his face seemed to show wisdom and age as he looked at Nomas.

Nomas' hand wrapped around the man's wrist as he suddenly looked angry as the man let a sigh. "Nomas, I'm going to teach you soemthing quickly. Instinct is powerful in us. You need to know that. You also need to know that you are also a fox, a noble creature in its own right. But you are also a prince. Those combined makes you a barbringer of wisdom. A trickster, a guardian, and in all of your works, a quick thinker. That makes you powerful." He said with a wise smile as he shoved a small book into Nomas' arm before letting him go.

He was shocked to say the least. But he took the book and tucked it into his shirt before Constantine continued. "Please, if I am to pass from this world I want you to protect my daughters. I have given you the power to do so." He said before He pulled Nomas into a hug. Nomas nodded slightly hugging him back.

"Thank you." The man said before letting Nomas go.

Fear, anger, sadness.

Nomas frowned with his hand not leaing the hilt of his blade as they were given a quiet meal of bread and cheese. Nomas stood by the door watching the group quietly looking among themselves. "I'm sorry." He managed with a frown. It wasn't often he would take the blame for something like this. He knew though that they would not be here if they had not come.

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