Chapter 6

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The city was ablaze, Nomas knew that much as he was leaned against a small hut. He could smell fire, hear weapons striking, but the two men with him seemed unfazed by the chaos going on around them. "He's getting worse." The giant muttered still holding Nomas on his feet. "If we don't get him out quickly..."

"I'm fine." Nomas lied quickly feigning a weak smile. In truth Nomas felt like he was dying, those punches had done a lot more damage than he could have taken, even if he was wearing some kind of armor. His face was pale and getting worse by the moment.

The giant shook his head before grabbing him again. "You'll be fine once we are out of the city. Shifters'll be relentless, they don't show mercy." Boris said as the knight started moving again.with his sword drawn.

The heat was getting worse, which made the knight remove his helmet. Beneath it was a rather odd looking fellow. He was perhaps forty and had dark brown hair cut very short. His face was a dark tan, but Nomas could not say if it was from the smoke covering the light or if it was truly like he saw.

The knight muttered something to himself before stepping out into what was once a market. The food was thrown mindlessly to the side in people's haste to leave and the fire was spreading quickly towards the area making it hard to maneuver safely at this point.

Nomas was lifted from the hovel by Boris as they began to limp slowly down the road. Nomas could hardly believe this was the same city. Where he had been only a few hours ago had been the busyness of a city, now he was stuck half-dead as it burned down around him and his saviors.

"Where are we going?" Nomas managed as they walked.

The knight turned to face him a moment as if contemplating the option of telling him but quickly returned to his leadership position as they went. "It isn't much further, the outer gate is just this way. From there was just need to head straight out of the city."

The giant nodded walking quickly after him with a frown. Boris wasn't used to Flynn acting like this, normally he was a rather decent fellow who would be trying to help, but now he seemed more worried, almost scared of whatever lay ahead.

The trio turned the corner and they stopped in their tracks. Four men stood beside the gate waiting for something. Each wore a robe with a large wolf etched across the back and canine tails moving behind them as they moved around only adding to the worry the knight expressed.

Boris quickly stood forward leaving Nomas leaning on a cart a few feet behind. "We can't take them alone. You know that right?" He muttered placing a hand on the knight's shoulder as they hid as close as they felt safe. the smaller nodded adjusting the blade in his hand. Nomas saw the copper shining in the center of it letting steel grace the edge.

"We can't wait, they'll find us eventually. It's now or never, and they're in the way." He said as the blade pointed out to the four who were still moving around the gate. Nomas could only wager a guess that they were ordered to remain here while the others moved ahead, most likely to stop anyone from leaving.

One stopped sniffing a body laying on the ground and pulling a small bag from the pocket.

Nomas shook his head as he tried to stand on his own power. Why was he so important? All of this because of his father? He grunted out loud as he took his first shaky step out towards the gate. Without even trying to speak he moved past the pair. He felt the giant's hand squeeze gently on his shoulder to bring him back.

He threw himself from the hold as he kept moving. Nomas was almost panicking at his actions. He didn't want anything to do with this, but his body insisted on approaching the group. All of them turned suddenly at the small man's approach. He could hear growling from the foremost man as he dropped to the ground on all fours and the cloak moved ominously across their back.

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