Chapter 22

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Nomas could never have prepared for the feeling of this change. Most of his hands had changed from normal fists to long claws attached to his now stumped hands. Claws and pads had grown onto his feet forcing his feet out of the boots he had been wearing just moments ago. Swinging wildly once at Ouroboros he was easily knocked aside by his blade as the snake sidestepped Nomas' attack.

Still standing tall Ouroboros smiled quietly moving his weight side to side as he watched Nomas losing control. "You nearly had me that time." He said still holding his side with his left hand while his right easily swiped aside Nomas' attacks.

"You are predictable. An animal with no understanding of what you stand against. You had a better chance when you were human, but now." He said, the blade skimmed across Nomas' tail leaving a long streak of red on his fur.

Nomas tumbled to the side as he checked the wound and licked it once confirming the damage was minor. Looking quickly to Ouroboros who was already charging Nomas growled barring his teeth. The blade slashed through the air and clashed with Nomas' claw.

"What are you trying to achieve?" The man said throwing his free hand into Nomas' chest sending him backward into a table. "This city shall be your grave. My sword your final nail. But I shall not be the one to kill you. Your father will have that honor." He said throwing a blade again causing it to slash along Nomas' chest leaving a gash across him.

"No one shall remember you as anything." He said swiping against at Nomas' body leaving a long cut on his left arm. Then a second to the right.

Nomas lay upon the ground breathing heavy among the splinters of the table. "You are nothing more than an inconvenience. I am the hero, the cleanser." He said slamming a foot into Nomas' chest and digging it in hard.

Feeling the breath of the man Nomas knew he was beside his face but he was far too weak to stop him in this state. He was bleeding too much and he couldn't feel most of his body. The sound of a stopper was nearby and then the liquid poured into Nomas' mouth.

Nomas started gagging and panic as the bitter liquid slowly forced its way down his throat and everything was going dark. "Enjoy that. This is the last thing you get here. This is just meant to ensure you don't leave here. Enjoy watching the greatest battle you'll ever be a part of." He said before kicking Nomas' chest making him take a deep breath forcing the liquid down into his lungs.

Nothing changed for a long time other than the sound of Ouroboros leaving. Nomas lay panting hard feeling himself growing weaker with each passing second. The pain was overwhelming as if his innards were being rearranged inside of him. Lifting up an arm and looking at it he could see it was already deep in its change. Despite his blurred vision, he knew that it was wrong.

His skin was covered in orange fur and each second it was growing shorter and more muscular. He tried moving his hand and fingers but they were nothing more than a paw he would have seen on a dog. He tried to scream but he was overpowered by his own body forcing him to his feet. His body would not let him stand straight though. He was pained and dropped to the ground standing on both arms and legs.

He whined in pain as he looked around trying to reason his way around and make sense of the overwhelming feeling of his mind being severed from his body. Stumbling along on all fours he took a few weak steps along before falling flat in pain.

Nomas felt the other creature approach with a frown. The bleached white fur stained with blood as it approached. It bared its teeth, and its jaw prepared to bite. Nomas groaned standing his best before he was quickly tackled by the animal.

Panicked Nomas felt more worried about the face the fox was the size of him than the creature's jaw snapping at his face. Nomas growled kicking hard into its chest in anger. It whined loudly being tossed by Nomas' attack.

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