Chapter 19

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"The woman refuses to settle down, I barely pulled Cathrine off the bars to keep her from eating the woman." The guard explained leading Ouroboros to the prison chambers. The man frowned walking quickly down the hall and throwing the door open.

Inside the single cell was intricate interweavings of steel bars and copper wires. No shifter could get out of if, even the councilman had forced himself to test its defences. Selene stood at the side of the metal desperately clawing at the side. She was drenched in sweat as she stared with rage as the men approached. Her tongue flicked out her mouth as she looked at them both.

"This is his daughter?" Ouroboros asked with a frown as he walked closer to her. "I didn't expect the spirit of a warrior within a farmer." He commented with a smile as he watched her move around the cage with her tail flicking quickly behind her.

"You were foolish to bring us here." She shouted throwing herself against the cage as the sound of flash burning and a yelp followed it. She pulled back with a growl as her hands hissed quietly with a trio of burns across her right hand. "Where's Dani?" She demanded.

"You sibling? She's fine." He said waving it off as if it was nothing but a passing anger. "But that is why I am here." The man said looking at her through his mask. All of his face she could see where his long eyes watching her with a frown. "I am here to offer you something. A way out of this life." He said as he started walking slowly around the cage.

"I can offer you something no one else can. Freedom." He began as Selene stopped licking her wounds. "Your father was a dangerous person. The council wanted him dead, there was nothing I could do about that, my hands were bound. But the council doesn't know he had children. I save you and your sister. That was only figured out when my wife found you with him..." His voice trailed thinking a long moment of Azeban and the wounds that she had taken during the fight that she was being nursed for at the moment.

"You can live here. Among your kind, I can give you that. You're a farmer correct. I can get you land to tend." He said with a frown knowing little of the woman other than her father. "I can get you a farm, a home, and sanctuary. No one else can offer you that." He said with a frown. He didn't expect her to accept it quickly, he expected to leave and let her stew on the offer long enough to see the logic in it.

He smiled slightly behind his mask as her ears perked. "Why would you do that?" She asked with a frown lifting her face from the wound. "What's the catch?" She asked with a growl at the back of her throat.

Ouroboros snapped loudly with a laugh. "Finally, someone who actually caught on." He said looking at the guard with a smile. "That catch, there is always a reasoning behind my deals. I need information, information that no one but you has. Nomas." He said simply looking back to her. "I need everything you know about him. Then I let you and your sister live here. His life, for yours and your sister's. Honestly, I think you are getting the better deal here."

She sat silently looking at him with her rage slowly receding. "Yes." She said looking down. "I will." He looked at her with a smile.

"Wonderful." He said with a clap of his hands. "Let her free." The councilman said with a nod as he turned on his heel. The guard nodded releasing the chain that kept Selene held within the cell and allowing the door to swing open.

She stepped out still rubbing her wrist as Ouroboros began walking out of the room. "Come. I have much to discuss with you. Perhaps over a good meal." He offered as she walked up behind him.

"I want to see Danielle first." She said looking hard at the man.

"That is what I figured." The man smiled walking. "She is safe, we didn't need to lock her up. She was too small to place among dangerous people." He said waving a hand slightly, he didn't care for taking such care of prisoners. It was a waste or resources to him, but it was on Azeban's command, she insisted she was an asset that could be valuable.

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