Chapter 5

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--------------------------------------------------------------Casey POV-----------------------------------------------------------------

As me and Finnick turn the corner Ocean blue restaurant comes into view it huge sign covering most of the vast building. "Is this where we are eating!" I say amazed as we draw closer to the building "Yep I thought you would like it." He says as we step inside. "Table for two please." Finnick tells a small man wearing a waiters uniform. "Right the way sir." He says as he leads us to a small table in the centre of the room. "Can I take your orders." Said the man taking a note pad out of his pocket. "I'll have a chicken stew." "Can you afford that." "I have been saving for months what do you want Casey." I'll have salad with goats cheese please." I say not wanting to sound greedy. "If that all you want Casey that is our order." He says to the waiter who walks away quickly to take another order. "How did you save up that much it would have taken my whole family a month to save up that!" I say astonished "my great Uncle was a hunger games victor and before he died he left us loads of money nearly all of it that he had left." "Ohh I sorry I didnt know." I say suddenly feeling really guilty. "Don't worry about it I didn't even know him hardly. After eating our food which I have to say was amazing Finnick payed (and refused the money I offered him for my meal) and we set of walking in to the cold night as we reach my front door he says "We have to do this again sometime," "Ya I reply it was quite fun." And with that I kiss him on the cheek and go inside.

----------------------------------------Finnick POV-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I said good bye to Casey and set of back to my house on the other side of the lake while walking around the lake I hear a scream and the a splashing sound, quickly looking towards the lake See the water rippling and the sound of thrashing around in the water. without hesitation I plunge into the water and begin to swim towards the comotion which on further inspection I see its a small girl drowning. I grab her around the waist and begin swimming to shore. When I arive I at shore pull her up out of the way of the water. She coughs up loads of water "Thank you." She said before she fainted. Pick her up and take her to the nearest house. "hello sorry to bother you at such a late hour but do you know where she lives she just nearly drowned." I tell the elderly women that answers the door. "Yes thats Kate she lives 3 doors down number 128." She tells me before closing the door. I take her to her house and carry on setting of home now shaking because in that cold the night was already cold and now im soaked it doesnt add to the little warm that I had before. I reach my house go straight upstairs and without putting on any p.js I just callapse onto the bed and sleep.


"Finnick get up GET UP!" I hear my mum shouting from down stairs. " Come and get ready for training."

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