Chapter 19

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next day------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Finnick Finnick FINNICK!" I wake with a start and fall out of bed "Finnick you have to get up its the interviews tonight Mags and Theta want to talk to us about what were wearing and how we act." Lala says helping me up as I get off the floor. "Mags says you have to be ready for 9 and its 8:30 see you later." And with that she walked out of the room closing the door behind her. I got up and went straight in the shower still amazed that I got an 11 in training this time I'm more careful and select simple hot water today. I get out of the shower and put on a red tee shirt and black trousers as I did I knocked of the pin that Casey gave me onto the floor , I quickly put it up and place it in a safer place. I then went out for breakfast with 5 minutes to spare. "Finnick for once you were on time." Mags says as I sit down and grab a handful of bread rolls and hot chocolate. "Lala you will go with Theta first and she help you walk in heels and work on your posture and things like that." Mags says to Lala "Finnick you will come with me and work on how your going to act and then we will swap that clear." She continued while she drank what looked like coffee from a white cup. "Come on then Finnick."

"What do you want people to think of you as funny smart sly sexy." Mag says to me as see sit down in a different room to Lala and Theta. "Well not the last one." I say to Mags laughing. "Lets try you with funny first." After several failed attempts first funny then sly and then sexy Mags decide that smart would be the way forward. After practising what I was going to say for at least 2 hours Mags said that we could go and get dinner even though we still had time left to practise. "Your going to lose your voice if you carried on." Mags convinced herself as we eat dinner. By the time Lala and Theta had arrived I had started my 5th helping of chicken in orange sauce with rice. "Hey Lala how did it go." I say as she sits down after grabbing a plate of chicken in orange sauce with rice like mine. "Not bad cant walk in heels very good though." She says stabbing a piece of chicken and pops it into her mouth. "How did yours go will we have discovered that I'm smart apparently." I tell her. "No time for chatting we have to work on your posture." Theta says in her stupid capitol accent that I cant get over how stupid it is. "Put this suit on and go and walk around and ill tell you if you have a good posture and how to improve it. She say as she shoves a suit and a pare of sturdy black shoes in my face. After painful hours of Theta screaming in my ear that im not walking straight enough. I just want to callapse and go to sleep but as soon as I finshed my stylist come in begin to get me ready.

"Your going to look great trusts me." Indigo says as he passes me a suit and some boots like the ones Theta made me wear. "But I don't trust you not after what I wore in the chariots." I mutter under my breath as I get dressed. However I looked fine the suit was I light blue colour and the shoes were comfortable enough. But I was so nervous I was going to be shown in front of the whole of Panem! "Lala you look great." I say as we sit down ready to be shouted on the the stage for our interview. "Thanks Finnick you don't look to bad yourself." but instead of of being a nice compliment it just reminded me of Casey. Caesar Flickerman welcomes the audience and then calls on the first person to be Interviewed which is Marble hes going for the funny guy and its working. Next its Glitter her mentor didn't have trouble choosing hers its sexy. Both Hero and Slate go for sly. Techa is shy and Cable is smart. Then its Lalas turn she goes for the slightly crazy type and starts tell Caesar how much she liked sleeping on the floor because the beds were too soft and things like that she wont be forgotten that's for sure. Now its my turn Lala sit back down and im called out. Is it just me or do I get the loudest applause. I push the thought to the back of my mind as I take a seat.

When the applause finally dies down Caesar says "So Finnick lets start with the training score eleven and your only 14." "I was surprised to you know I was expecting an 9 or something like that but I'm not complaining." I reply "Whats your plan for the arena?" He asks "Well my brain has some logic in it so I'm gonna try and out smart the others and im not bad with a trident either." I say not wanting to lie about my game plan to avoid questions when I get out. "So then your volunteered didn't you why was that?" He asks looking at me however his hair (bright green) is too distracting so I turn and face to audience. "Well the boy only looked young so I just went for it." I lie as I turn to face Caesar again. "Any girl at home there must be a good looking guy like you." He says giving me a questioning look. "Ya there is this one girl." I pause and I can tell the hole of the capitol is waiting for me to carrie on but before I can the buzzer goes of to signal my time is up. "What a shame maybe we will find out soon , well good look Finnick. And with that I go back to my seat to a deafening roar from the crowd.

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