Chapter 31

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"Amber can I talk to you please... in private." I say in a panicked whisper.  "I knkw you all about helping the people Amber but do you haven't thought this through do you even no anything about her." I jabbed my finger towards the other wall. "Casey what I do know is that if we dont give her a home she die."

"Why will she?" I say my voice raising.

"She's a capitol traitor."

"Oh SHIT." I begin to pace up and down the hallway "SHIT SHIT CRAP!"

"So can she live with you because their isn't any room here anymore because of Jade." Amber says starting to get frustrated.

"With the new baby arriving in a few days we don't have anyroom either... By the way were calling her Kodie."

"Aww does that mean you won't be going to training anymore?" Amber inquires.

"I still have to go because I've already started it now, anyway back to the point where will Zina live."

"Umm who do we know that hates rules, has a massive house and loads of money." Amber hints as we go back into the room.

"Zina you can go and live with Finn for now."


"you know the 'famous' Finnick Odair."

"Oh Finnick... thanks!"

"Don't thank us thank Finnick come on get your stuff." Amber says grabbing one of the large suitcases. "Is this you travelling light?"

-----Finnick POV-----


"Sorry Finnick im of as good at this game as you its the first time I've played you know."

"get the door please!" I shout over the sound of the door bell Casey rigged so when it rang it played the walking dead theme song so loud the capitol could probably here it. "Hi Casey. Amber and friend?" I span around in my gaming chair to see Casey Amber and another girl hanging their coats up in the hallway (who ever that girl was she must be rich her coat looked expensive and new hung beside all of the boring coats.

"Hey Finn what you playing?" Casey asks as she grabs the controller Danny was using. "Just a shooter game want to have a game?"


"Not trying to be funny." Amber says switching off the TV mid game "But this isn't the time can we talk to you Finn."

"What's up then?" I say.

"Zina's a Capitol 'Traitor' and she needs a place to stay until she gets a house here in district 4."

"Why are you telling me."

"We were just wondering if you have any rooms spare?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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