Chapter 13

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finnick POV--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The peace keepers march me through into the justice building. I take a seat in a room that is filled with the most expensive things I have ever seen the rugs are thick and fluffy unlike the ones at home that are thin. The room is filled with velvet I have never felt it before to I run my hand over the plush cushions which are covered with the stuff. Just as I sit down Casey bursts into the room her face streaked with tears. I pull her into a hug and we stand like this for at least 5 minutes. "Finnick." Casey says as we break apart " That girl Lala please just make sure your not the one that kills her she only looks young.""Casey she is a year younger than you and me she not five." I say not wanting to make promises I cant keep. "Lets just say if you kill her and you come home it will be over and will you wear this as your token." Casey says as she holds out a pin with a lily on it. I take it from her hand and fasten it to my shirt I know that if I keep it close to me it will remind me of Casey in my final hours of life after all 24 go in and only 1 come out. Just then peace keepers arrive and start to take Casey away "I love you stay alive!" Casey screams before the door closes. The next people to enter are my mum and dad through all of the time none of them speak they just hug me crying silently untill the time is up when they are asked to leave my mum kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

Peace keepers come through next and leave me to a black car that will take me and Lala to the train which will take us to the capitol. As I arrive I see Lala once again her cheeks are streaked with tears but I try not to cry it wont do me any favors in the arena. We ride in the car silently and think to myself what person calls their child Lala its like they wanted them to be picked on. We turn a corner and the train comes into view this isn't a old one that transports the fish we catch this is a capitol train which will get us the the capitol in about a day and a half. If I wasn't going into the hunger games I would be excited but this train will take me too my death.

Once we get on the train we are sat down at a fancy table and given posh food I have never seen before chicken in a creamy orange sauce. beef as thin as paper with mini vegetables the size of peas, soups all different flavours and colours not to mention a cake the size of the table . We were told after every course to save room because there was more to come by Theta but I was cramming as much as I could in my mouth not caring about table manners. Ive never eaten this fancy food and even though it was making me feel slightly sick I wasn't going to stop.

After stuffing my self with posh capitol food I'm shown to my bedroom which is just as fancy as the part of the train which we dined in I walk into the bathroom which is attached to my bedroom I get straight into the shower pressing the many buttons and washing in a bubbles that smell like lemon. Once I finish I change into fresh pjs (Theta told us that we could use any clothes in the room) I place the pin Casey gave me on the bed side cabinet and climb into the bed the velvet bed sheets warm me as I drift into an uneasy sleep.

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