-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week Later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lala and me set of towards the training room but this time we will be scored on how well we do and everyone will go in seperate. We take a seat in the dining hall and one by one the tributes go in Glitter with a determind look on her face. Marble looking like he couldnt care like always. Hero walking quickly as if she were late. Slate breathing deeply and walking slowly towards the room looking super nervous even though he is a career. We sit silently for a while as Slates taking longer than the others when. Techa is called she hugs the boy sat next to her who I think is Flax the boy from district 8 and walks silently. "I wonder if they like each other." Lala says to me as we watch her walk into the training hall. "Maybe I say." And then I go back to thinking about what I could do for the gamemakers. Next Cable is called and after about 15 minutes Lala is "Cya later Finnick." She says as she stands up. "Ya ill she you later." By this time im panicking what will I do. When im called decied just to make it up.
I pick up a golden trident with is encrusted with jewels probably made by district 1 , I throw it straight into the dummies chest. Next I grab three silver spears and send them as quickly as the trident into the next three dummies. And finally I walk over to the camouflage station and complete a simple camouflage on my arm. The gamemakers are staring at me all though I don't know why I bet Lala did that as well. When they finally tell me to leave. I say thank you and quickly leave thinking ill probably get a 9 or 10 training score but who knows a career got a 6 before.
I walk over to the elevator and just as I'm about to press the number four Glitters comes into the elevator her light brown hair bouncing as she walks. "Hey Finnick how are you." She says batting her eyelashes and leaning against the elevator wall (on the wall with the buttons on ) I can tell shes doing this to stop me from pressing my button and going up to my room. "Hi." I say "could you move." "Not yet we need to talk NOW." she says in her cutest voice smiling even though I can tell she will try to back stab us all later on in the games. "Finnck I like you allot so lets stay together until the end." And with that she kisses me on the cheek and walks away her hair bouncing again. What a creep!
I arrive on our floor and go straight to my room still creeped out by what Glitter said after all she is sixteen! I order some lunch and sit on the bed eating it (I ordered the paper thin beef on warm capitol bread but I crave some food from home even if its not as nice. After I get in the shower and press any random button. I regret this after though because the waters freezing and it makes me smell like roses. I climb out of the shower and get dressed not caring what I looked like. Walking into the living room I take a seat next to Lala who's also waiting for her score. "What did you do I say taking a drink from the capitol attendant. "Its a secrets she says before she winks and takes a drink from the attended too.
One by one the names flash followed by their picture and training score..
District 1 Glitter - 9 Marble - 8
District 2 Hero - 10 Slate - 9
District 3 Techa - 6 Cable - 4
District 4 Lala - 9 Finnick - 11
I relax 11 top score so far I think as I settle down to watch the others scores.
District 5 Atom - 5 Spark - 3
District 6 Apollo - 4 Cooper - 7
District 7 Maple - 8 Jack - 7
District 8 Lacey - 3 Flax - 6
District 9 Mazie - 5 Rye - 7
District 10 Mink - 3 Angus - 4
District 11 Pepper - 7 Spud - 6
District 12 Nelly - 2 Ash - 6
And with that the TV went silent.