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So what's up?

So here's a new story I guess

This is kinda weird because this has a TOTALLY different "feel" than my other Stingue story

So before we move on, I want to clear things up

So I MIGHT change the cover again but it's more or less likely cuz I'm just playing around with covers I guess

I hate making covers though

So Fiore is divided up by 2 regions or realms

How exactly is it divided? Idk

I don't think that matters

So the king of the Light Realm is Weisslogia

And the prince of the Light Realm is Sting, obviously

And the queen of the Shadow Realm is Skiadrum

And the prince of the Shadow Realm is Rogue, duh

Weisslogia and Skiadrum have the ability to switch entirely or partially from their human form to their "dragon form" at will and stuff

When I mean "partially" they only sprout their dragon wings and they have the ability to fly and such

Sting and Rogue do not have the ability to change entirely into a dragon, but they can sprout their "wings" and fly like a normal dragon

Split between the two realms, there is coincidentally a large amount of trees or just the woods

That is practically the boundaries of the two realms

There is some magic in this story, and not everyone has light or shadow magic

There is some sort of war or conflict between the two sides

This was just some random idea I had

So I'm pretty excited and let's see how this goes

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