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Sting's POV

I wait outside impatiently waiting for the sun to set.

Usually I would appreciate it a little more. But today I was just excited to see Rogue again.

I just want to stare into his red eyes again. The way his hair would cover one of his eyes definitely suited him. He was also adorable when he gets embarrassed.

GAH WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING? I don't even know.

Right before I was able to fly off the balcony, someone opened my door.


"Oh, hi Dad."

"Nice sky, huh?"

"Yep." I was getting even more impatient now.

Please leave please leave please leave please–

"Are you going somewhere, Sting?"

Oh geez.

"Um. Yeah. Gonna take a walk. While flying."

What the hell did I just say?

"You're gonna take a walk while flying?" Dad raised an eyebrow and then laughed.

"You know what I mean."

Dad just kept laughing and he finally left. Taking a walk while flying, seriously?

I had to make sure he was gone for sure before I could leave.

I noticed that the stars were already becoming visible, so I finally jump off the balcony to fly to the woods.

I swear, this is probably the fastest I've flown because I was literally there in, like, 30 seconds. I stumble on the ground, trying to run and find Rogue.

Overall, I am a pretty clumsy person sooo.

I finally see Rogue leaning against a tree, sitting on some leaves. His eyes were lightly closed too.

"Hey Rogue!"

Rogue opened his eyes, and saw me. He smiled and waved at me.

Oh my god his smile. It's just... Ugh...

"So, what's up?" Rogue asked.

"Tired," I simply reply and I collapse on the ground. Rogue laughed. I swear, his laugh is gonna kill me too.

"Does your dad know? About me escaping and all..."

"No. He almost caught me leaving though."


"I promise, I will everything I can to make sure my dad will not hurt you or even touch you."

Rogue blushed and suddenly hugged me. "Thank you," he whispered.

"I promise I will protect you, Rogue," I said softly. I place my hand on Rogue's soft hair, and pulling him closer.

Rogue tensed up at first, and then he immediately relaxed. I felt Rogue move closer to me, almost snuggling and even cuddling.

Please don't see my face please don't see my face please don't–

Rogue looks up.


He giggles when he sees my blushing face, and he snuggles into my chest again.

Oh god my face was heating up even more now.

We stayed like that for a while, and then Rogue stands up.

"I should probably go soon," he then says.

"Yep." I say while I stand up.

Rogue tightly hugs me again, which kinda shocked me at first, but then I hug him back. "Thank you," he says again, "for saving me."

"I promise that I'll protect you from anyone and anything," I said to him. Sadly, he lets go. Then he runs back home, and looking back to wave at me. I wave back, and I started to walk back home.

I didn't even bother flying back, I just walked, enjoying the cool air, and looking at the clear midnight blue sky. It kinda reminded me of Rogue.

I blush just thinking of Rogue. Why am I feeling this way? I only met him, like, yesterday.

I pretty much let Rogue go and saved him. Who knows what my dad could do to him. At this point, he might even consider on killing Rogue. I know I can't let that happen. Rogue already means a lot to me.

I don't even want to imagine what will happen to Rogue if Dad catches him again.

I don't know how long it will be until he finds out that Rogue is gone. But I have to protect Rogue no matter what. I can't let Dad get Rogue.

I promised him.

And I think... I love him.

Just eh

Sting is quite oblivious I will say

Idk if that whole dragon thing is that great of an idea

But too late now I guess XD



I cut my hair so now it's like REALLY short

My Spanish teacher is mad at my class XD

The sub hated us

She left a pretty bad note about us


Her shoes were kinda better than our first sub

Everyone was like: WHAT ARE THOOOSSEEE

I know

We can't really blame our sub's shoes for our obnoxiousness this time (sadly)

All my friends' snapchats are just pics of random people's shoes just saying: WHAT ARE THOOSSEEE


I do not own anything from Fairy Tail, the almighty Hiro Mashima does. ^_^

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