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Sting's POV

We came to Wendy and Natsu's house two days ago in the morning, but Rogue still hasn't woken up yet. He was sleeping on the bed in the guest room, and I haven't let go of his hand since he got here. I haven't even left his side neither.

I was very grateful to have Wendy as a friend. She was not only strong in magic, but also in healing. Wendy was so nice, and she helped Rogue. Again.

He looked terrible when we first got here. Some of the familiar scratches and bruises were back. His wings were torn again. Overall, he just looked just as bad as the last time we came.

And thanks to Wendy, he looks a whole lot better. But again, she couldn't wake him up. She did everything she could, I understand that, and I really appreciate that. But he's still in a kind of bad condition.

I heard a few loud knocks before the door opened. "Hey," I heard Natsu say.

"Hey, Natsu," I grumbled as I rest my chin on the bed, still not letting go of Rogue's hand.

I noticed that the door was still opened, but I just ignored it. But I did hear some voices outside the door, and I think coming from downstairs. I recognized those voices. It's Dad, and Skiadrum. They must have shown up just a little bit ago.

"I must apologize for making matters worse than they already were. I highly suggest ending this rivalry, and the two Realms shall live alongside each other. Just like how they were meant to be. We would be stronger if we work together." I hear barely hear Dad say downstairs. They were finally talking, and not trying to kill each other. I think they are actually trying to stop the violent rivalry.

I smile a little, then I just randomly decided to ignore the rest of the conversation.

"Yeah, they just got here so they could check on you guys," Natsu says as he stands next to me.

"That's nice, I guess."

"Rogue is going to be fine. Wendy did everything she could. And she's a great healer! He just needs a little time to rest, that's all," Natsu nudges my shoulder.

"Thanks, Natsu."

Rogue started to shift a little, and I heard him groan a little. He slowly opened his eyes, and I hear Natsu say, "I'll be back in a bit, I'm gonna bring Weisslogia and Skiadrum up here."

Rogue slowly sat up and rubbed his eye. "Where am I? What happened?"

"Rogue, are you okay?"

"Well, yeah, but are we at Wendy and Natsu's house?" He asks while looking around the room.

"Yeah, we took you here two days ago, and Wendy helped. I was so worried about you, Rogue," I squeezed his hand a little tighter.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt, that's all."

"And I wanted you to get hurt?" I playfully glare at Rogue, and he laughs a little. It's been a while since I heard him laugh. His laugh just sounded like an angel's.

"Did it hurt a lot though?" I ask, slightly worried.

"I've been out for two whole days. What do you think?"

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I turn around, and I see Natsu walk in with Wendy, Dad, and Skiadrum next to him.

"A lot better now, thanks a lot, everybody," Rogue smiles.

"Are you sure, Rogue? I am so sorry. It was my fault. Seriously, are you okay? I was so worried about you!" Skiadrum cried as she pulls Rogue into a tight embrace.

"Mom, it's okay! I'm fine!"

"Rogue, you really do care for Sting, don't you?" I hear Dad say.

"Of course I do, Weisslogia."

"When you took the attack for him. I just don't know what to say. How can I thank you? And how can you possibly forgive me for my actions?" Dad rambles on.

"No, don't worry, it's fine. And I had to protect him. I was not going to let anything happen to him." I kiss his cheek. I couldn't help it. At this point, I didn't care that Dad and Skiadrum were here. I took a peek at them, and they didn't seem to care. They were smiling, even.

"Well, we should be on our way now. Skiadrum and I have to sort some things out," Dad tells us.

"Oh, I was going to take Rogue somewhere outside," I say.

"If Rogue is okay with it," Skiadrum smiles softly at Rogue. He nodded his head, and he starts to stand up.

"Um, no! I will carry you!" I say to Rogue. He didn't even argue, he just let me carry him.

I follow Dad and Skiadrum downstairs and out of Natsu's door. Rogue kisses my cheek, and I blush furiously. I hear Rogue giggle a little. Ugh, I love the sound of his laugh.

I fly up in the air and towards the familiar green woods. From the air, you could see the bright orange sky. The sun was setting, and it was absolutely beautiful.

It was getting darker by the minute, and I finally land right in front of the dark green trees. With Rogue still in my arms, I walk in, and I am trying to find the pond. The same pond where Rogue and I confessed our love.

I finally find a small patch of light. I follow the small light, and I found it. The pond was there, and the fireflies were hovering right above the water. There were so many fireflies, you could even see small fish swimming near the surface of the pond. I set Rogue down by a tree, and I sit right next to him.



"I love you," Rogue says softly as he puts his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too."

Happy memories of Rogue flooded my mind as we both admire the view of the pond. And then I realized something that immediately snapped me away from the memories.

I let Rogue get hurt again.

I broke a promise again.

I broke Rogue's promise again.
Hi everybody

I tried to update as soon as possible and the next chapter is probably gonna be the last one

And maybe I'll do an epilogue

Everybody probably thinks I'm dead

I am considering on either doing a Nalu or another Stingue story first

Probably Stingue but I do not know

I pretty much have an idea for the Nalu one, and I am looking for ideas for the Stingue story

It's probably gonna take forever to find ideas

So if you have any cool ideas that can inspire me, comment.

So yeah we will see what happens

And I will hopefully be back very soon

I own nothing from Fairy Tail

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