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Rogue's POV

Sting and I have been meeting in the woods every evening for the past few days. And I always look forward to seeing him. His bright smile brightens my day, and I sometimes catch myself staring at his blue eyes. I absolutely loved them.

Every day I would ask if Sting if his dad knew about me escaping. Or rather if he knew that Sting let me go.

He would always remind me that he would do whatever he can to protect me no matter who found out.

I'm honestly not concerned about what would happen to me if he finds out. But what would happen to Sting?

For the past few days, not only has our friendship grown stronger, but my feelings for him have grown stronger too.

(Does that even make sense?? Idk)

I just couldn't get him out of my mind for the past few days either. Ugh, what is wrong with me?

Sting told me to meet him in our usual spot in the woods earlier today. I didn't know why, but not like I didn't mind.

I look outside, noticing that the air is cooler, and the sun is gonna be down in a little while. Might as well make my way over there. Cause why not, right?

I fly out of my balcony and I just land on the stone pathway. I kinda just feel like walking today.

I loved flying in general, but it isn't the same without Sting.

We would spend a few evenings just floating over the trees, enjoying the views of both realms, and just taking in the cool air.

I walk into the woods, scouting for the one tree where we would always meet.

And there he was. I could recognize those ocean blue eyes and his messy hair from miles away.

He smiled and waved when he saw me. I ran to tackle him into a hug. He took a small step back to maintain his balance, but he still hugged back.

I immediately recognized his familiar scent, which really comforted me.

He suddenly lets go and grabs my hand. He whispers, "I want to take you somewhere."

Still kinda confused, we both run towards the direction of the Light Realm. I slightly freak out a little at first, until I realize that Sting was still holding my hand. I feel my face heat up as I keep staring at our hands.

He suddenly stopped and I bump into him. Guess I got distracted.

"I-uh-I'm so sorry!" I frantically apologize while blushing even more.

"Don't worry about it!" Sting replies, and flashes a bright grin.

I look up to see what I now think is the most beautiful place, like, ever.

There was a small pond, some fallen leaves and flower petals scattered on the surface of the water. The familiar trees still surround us. Tall grass and large rocks surround the pond. Birds rested on the tree branches, some were talking and some were singing.

I suddenly see Sting take off his shoes and toss them aside. "Come on," he says and walks over to a large rock that rests in the shallow water. He sits down, and just let his feet dangle in the water. I do the same and walk over to Sting. He scoots over, creating more room, and I sit down right next to him.

I place my feet in the water, and a bunch of small brownish-red minnows gather around them. Some swim in circles around my feet, some of them were nibbling on my toes, and the braver ones rest on top of my feet. I giggle as I watch the small fish play.

"Do you like it here?" I hear Sting ask.

I honestly didn't know what to say. Not even words could describe the beauty of this place.

"It's amazing. I love it here," was really all I could think of.

"I knew you would like it here. I just- I just want to tell you something..." I heard him trail off.

I went trick or treating with some friends like 2 weeks ago.

I almost died.

I'm afraid of inflatable Halloween decorations

Why me

My swim coach now has an assistant coach.

Idk if I like him as a coach or not.

He doesn't like me I think that's for sure.

He yells a lot.

He picks on me pretty much every day.

It's like part of my daily routine.

He called me out today too.

Check that off my daily routine list.

So I hope this story is okay.

Leave a comment for the heck of it

Thanks for the votes and comments and reads and follows!

I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. ^.^

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