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A week has passed already, and Sting was planning on meeting Rogue at the pond in the woods again. But he was running late, again.

You could say that he had a reason though. He was getting a surprise gift for Rogue. It was a pretty big gift too. Sting was very confident that Rogue would love his gift.

Sting called his new Exceed, Lector, and a tiny brownish-red cat leaped over to Sting. Sting has been trying to get Lector to fly, but he was just a little kitten, so he just hangs around on his shoulder or the top of his head.

Sting grabs the big box from the corner of his room, and the little kitten was trying to fly up to his shoulder. The Exceed was trying his best to lift off of the ground, but he just couldn't. Sting laughs a little, and he carries Lector and places him on his shoulder. The kitten was tiny, he was able to fit in his hand!

He was about to fly out of the balcony, until he heard his father call him from behind the door.

"Hey, Sting," Weisslogia opens the door.

"Hey, Dad! I was going to give Rogue his gift."

"Oh, he's going to love it. You know, you still remind me a lot of your mother. You're very stubborn. She would be very proud of you right now, if she were here with us," Weisslogia smiles a little.

"Yeah, but it's worth it, right?"

"Well, you could say that. And you should get going, you have to give Rogue his gift. Have fun, but not too much fun. Don't want Skiadrum to go after me," Weisslogia laughs.

"Dad, really?!"

"Go on now," Weisslogia shoos him away.

Sting flies off the balcony, with a small Exceed on his shoulder, and a large box in his arms.

He finally spots Rogue in the usual spot: the pond. He was standing in the shallow end of the water. Rogue was laughing a little as he felt the tickling sensation of the small fish nibbling his toes.

"Hey, Rogue!" Sting calls.

"Well, look who decided to show up," Rogue says jokingly.

"I brought something for you!"

Rogue turns around, and sees Sting sitting under a tree, holding a large box. He walks over and sits next to Sting.

"Wait, you really didn't have to, and anyway, what is this?" Rogue says as he inspects the box.

"Well, open it!" Sting says with his usual bright smile.

Rogue slowly takes the top off the box, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw what was inside.

There was a small green Exceed inside the box. It was about the same size as Sting's little Exceed. The green cat even had a cute pink frog costume on.

"His name is Frosch," Sting tells Rogue.

"Wait, you actually got me an Exceed?!" Rogue quietly shouts, not wanting to scare the tiny Exceed. He carefully takes Frosch out of the box. He meowed and purred as Rogue pet him.

"You told me that you've always wanted an Exceed. I got one for myself, and I thought that I should get one for you."

"And the frog costume! It's so cute!" Rogue continues to pet his new green Exceed.

"I remembered you told me stories about how you used to catch frogs when you were younger," Sting simply says.

Rogue did remember catching frogs when he was younger. He remembered doing that with some of his friends like Gajeel. But he mainly went out catching frogs with his father before he died.

He teared up a little bit from the memory. Sting notices, and he wipes Rogue's tears with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Sting asks in a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah, the frog costume just reminded me a little of my dad. But I love it. It suits Frosch."

Rogue sets Frosch down on the grass. The green cat paws the slightly tall grass. Lector climbs down from Sting's shoulder, and he investigates the new cat. Rogue was slightly nervous that they might not get along, but then he is relieved to see the two playing and chasing each other around. Eventually, Lector and Frosch were playing with the small fish in the shallow end of the pond.

"They're getting along great, huh?" Sting breaks the silence.

"Yeah, I'm glad," and it was silent once again, and we continue to watch the kittens play in the shallow water.

"Hey, Sting?"


"Thank you. For everything," I lean on his shoulder.

"It's nothing, Rogue."

"I love you," I sit up to kiss him on the lips. He kissed back quickly after.

"I love you too, Rogue," he says after pulling away.

They spent the rest of the day by the pond, relaxing peacefully and watching the two Exceeds. And now, they never have to worry about the chaos between the two Realms again.

Okay, I wanted to write this for fun. And I was like "wait I remembered Rogue saying that he wanted a little Exceed"

And me being the magical and kind and super author who could do anything, I gave him one


So I'm gonna try to get another Stingue story up and going

I love writing

I am still working on that shipping book and the ranting book. The last time I updated was like years ago when I was in 8th grade so I probably had no clue what I was talking about

So I'll get back into that

And hopefully I'll be back with new story soon

Three ideas: Nalu, Stingue, Gratsu




So byeeeee

And also

I own nothing from Fairy Tail

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