Oh wow? An update?

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Oh my.

It truly has been a long time since I wrote anything here on wattpad. This is trippy and quite nostalgic.

My first chapter here was published in 2015???? wut


I wrote most of my stories YEARS ago, and it's honestly amazing to see that people still read my stories and still ship Stingue. Bless.

My time here on Wattpad truly has been amazing. It's kind of weird saying that present first-year college student me is proud of 13-year-old and 8th grade me for doing all of this. The fact that there's still votes and comments and reads really just makes me so happy. I was terrified that people wouldn't like my stories, but seeing the interactions and love still happening now just makes me proud of my past self. And it just makes it feel like it was so worth the time and energy put in writing.

This story was a fun one.

I'll never forget when a reader drew Rogue based on this story. Omg that made me feel so happy, and that person was so kind and such an angel. I wish I could find the person's comment. :(

But about a week ago, VicktuurRogue messaged me, asking if they could write their own version of this story. And of course I said yes! That's amazing! And I was so excited! The first chapter is already published, so go give it a read and vote! That would be so great! All of our conversations have been so lovely, and I wish nothing but the best, and thank you so much for also asking for permission. I wouldn't have minded at all either way, but that was still so kind of you!

I can't wait to keep supporting you and I can't wait to see how the story turns out!

Realms of Light and Shadow (Stingue)Where stories live. Discover now