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Rogue's POV

I open my eyes as the sun peeks through the bedroom window.

I snuggle into Sting's chest, and I could barely hear him lightly snoring.

My gosh, this is comfortable.

I feel Sting shift a little as he wrapped his arms around my still sore body, pulling me even closer. I quickly shut my eyes, trying to pretend that I was still asleep.

Not like I could really see anything, but I could feel Sting lightly playing with my hair.

He runs his finger across the bridge of my nose, where a new scar formed yesterday.

"I wish I warned you earlier, Rogue," I hear him whisper sadly. "This wouldn't have happened to you. I'm so sorry, Rogue. I promised that I'd protect you from my dad. But he still hurt you."

I feel him squeeze me a little, and I accidentally let out a small squeak.

"Hmm?" I heard Sting say.

I giggle nervously.

"Did you hear me this whole time, Rogue?"

"No? Kinda? Ok, yeah."

Sting places a small kiss on my forehead. "Good," he says.

"Sting, we should get up. I really don't wanna though."

"Mmhmm. Hey, that's weird..." Sting's voice trails off.

I suddenly got worried. What's happening?

"It's quiet..." He continues.

"What? So?" I ask, still slightly worried, but I was getting even more confused.

"It's never quiet at Natsu's..."


"The last time I came here, he nearly tore down his own house to find Happy," Sting explains.

"Who's Happy?" I ask.

"Oh, Natsu's Exceed. Wendy has one of her own too."

Exceeds were apparently very special around here. People would walk around with them everywhere.

Back at home, where I would see Gajeel, I would always see Levy playing around with his Exceed, Pantherlily. And Gajeel would brag about Lily's ability to fly. However, he would complain about the fact that Lily was able to lift up Levy, and not Gajeel. It was hilarious, actually.

It gets lonely otherwise, and I've always wanted an Exceed of my own.

"I'm gonna check on Natsu real quick," Sting says in a serious tone, which kinda worried me a little more.

"I'll go with you," I say in a serious tone as well.

Sting was going to argue, but he just let out a sigh, and muttered, "Okay, let's go."

We walk down the stairs to see Natsu and Wendy staring at the outside through one of their windows. A blue Exceed was fluttering right next to Natsu, and Wendy was carrying a white one.

"You guys are up already? How'd you guys sleep?" Natsu casually asks, not taking his eyes off the window.

"Natsu, what's happening?" Sting says, trying to peek out of the window.

"I slept well, thank you! And all because you two decided to keep the volume down last ni–" Natsu gets off, thank god.

"NATSU, FOCUS! NOTHING HAPPENED LAST NIGHT, WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!" Sting tries to sound angry, but he was mainly stuttering.

I couldn't really say anything since I feel my face burning a lot. Wow, Natsu...

"Not a good time? You know I was just kidding!"

Sting glares at him.

"Okay then. No one at all is outside. Everyone must still be outside..." Natsu changes the subject.

That's already kind of strange enough. By the looks of it, the Light Realm was a lively place. People walking around, socializing, and overall, the Light Realm is a lovely place. But no one is out.

"I see something!" I hear Wendy whisper.

We all peek through the window, and I see something almost dark.

Like a shadow.

The figure walks past our window, ignoring everything that's around him or her. This guy just kept walking forward.

Some other men in armor followed the figure. And I recognized them. And I look back at the figure, and I saw the familiar black wings.

Mom came here, probably looking for me.

"I need to see my dad," I hear Sting say, and I could sense him trembling.

"I'm going with you!"

"Rogue, I can't let you. Remember what happened when he caught you again?"

"My mom is out there too. We could probably stop them."

That statement replayed in my head.

Probably, I said.

"Come on, Rogue," I follow him as he runs through the door, and then we both lift into the air.

I was still kind of sore, but I just ignored it.

We fly closer to where Mom was going, and where Weisslogia was.

"Wait! Guys! Sting! Rogue! Don't!" I barely hear Natsu shout. "It's too dangerous!"

We ignored it, and we just kept going.

It's January

My birthday's on the 10th yaasss

My friends got me so much FT stuff I don't have room in my shrine

One of them taped pictures of Sting and Rogue on the wrapping paper

So I was forced to rip it apart

And I got a pikachu from build a bear

Sorry this took a terribly long frikin time

If there's any typos I'm sorreh

I have a ranting book and y'all should read it

And I own nothing from Fairy Tail

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