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Sting's POV

Why did I say that why did I say that why why why why WHY?

He was kinda cute, but he almost killed me, so I honestly don't know what to think of him.

My dad just told me that I could do whatever I wanted with him. I already knew that he wasn't gonna pay much attention to Rogue.

I might as well just go back down there. He might be lonely.

I walked back down to the dungeon to look for Rogue.

When I found him in a cell, I noticed that he was in the very back corner, with his arms wrapped around his knees. I couldn't see his face since it was buried in his arms.

"Hey Rogue!" I called.

He lifted his head up and saw me. He immediately stood up and hissed, trying to frighten me.

Geez, okay.

I knew that I couldn't really blame him. I only knew that he was just scared.

"Hey, I'm just gonna unlock this, but promise that you won't escape or even kill me," I stated.

He seemed confused at first, but then he seemed to have calmed down a little bit, and then he slowly nodded.

I managed to unlock the cell door with the keys I "borrowed," and then I grab his hand, and then we run straight to my room.

He tensed up when I touched him, but he caught up pretty well.

Once we got to my room, I slammed the door shut.

"Sooooooo..." Rogue says awkwardly while just standing there.

"Are you crazy?!" I suddenly yelled.

Rogue flinched and was confused.

"You could've killed me back there!" I continued.

"Same goes for you!"

"Well yeah? This war wouldn't be going if you all didn't make my dad angry!"

"Like we did anything!"

"Then why are you guys bothering us?!"

"Because you started it! Your dad started all of this!"

Rogue kinda did have a point though...

"Well that doesn't explain why you tried to kill me!"

Rogue just ignored me, and looked at the ground.

How rude.

"Well, you better be happy, because I actually let you out of the dungeon!" I told him.

Rogue actually looked up.

"How'd you get caught? Why'd you go back?" I asked in a softer tone.

I only knew that he went back to the woods, but I didn't know exactly why.

"I thought you'd still be there." Rogue said barely above a whisper.

He went back looking for me?

I blush at that thought, but now just look what he got himself into.

Now he's stuck here.

He must be terrified.

I saw Rogue yawn. He went through a lot today.

I walked up to him, and carried him "bridal style." His midnight blue, almost black wings weren't really in the way though.

"W-what are you doing?" Rogue stuttered, which I found adorable. He oddly didn't even bother struggling.

I didn't say anything, and I placed him I my bed, and now he was lying down.

"You're tired. Just rest." I smiled.

I walked towards a door that led to my balcony. I saw the sun set, leaving the sky painted in a bright orange and pink color.

I stare at it for what seemed like hours, and turned around to look at Rogue.

Rogue was sleeping peacefully on his side.

I smiled at the sight. I'm pretty tired too, so might as well take a nap too.

I sit and lie down next to Rogue. I lie on my side, so Rogue and I were facing each other.

Rogue's eyelids lock away his crimson red eyes, and his dark hair covering one of his eyes.

I watch as Rogue slept peacefully. The rhythm of his breathing was steady and even calming.

I felt my eyes become heavy, and I eventually fell asleep.
This is pretty different than most Stingue fanfics I have read and such but I think this is actually going ok

I wonder if this makes any sense...

Much yay

Kiwi is yummy

So is pineapple

And other fruits

Much yumz

I do not own anything from Fairy Tail, the almighty Hiro Mashima does. ^_^

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