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Sting's POV

"Uh, I was– I was nowhere!" I say to him.

"Oh, really?" Dad crossed his arms and growled. "Where did you go?"

"Well, I was at the woods..."

That kinda counts as telling the truth, I guess. Won't hurt being somewhat honest, right?

"May I ask why?"

"I like it over there. It's a nice place to relax, you know?"

What is he trying to do?

"Sting, I do not want you to go to those woods."

"Wait, WHY?"

What is he thinking?! He can't just say that!

"It is dangerous. You never know if Skiadrum could just take you away. And I cannot let that happen," he says simply.

"Well, then how do you think Skiadrum felt when she realizes that Rogue is gone?!"

I cannot believe I just mentioned Rogue.

"Oh, that pest? Heh, I don't really care about those in the Shadow Realm. They all deserve to be gone," he scoffed.

I can't believed that he said that about Rogue. My Rogue.

"Honestly! What makes them so different from us! They are practically the same as us!" I say angrily.

"No, they are not! All they are asking for is war! Do you not understand that!" Dad yells.

"They are only attacking because we started all of this! If you didn't bother them in the first place, none of this would've happened!"

"Remember your mother, Sting...?" Dad said calmly.

I stopped when he mentioned... Her. I stood there and didn't reply.

"She's gone because of them," he continued.

I knew that wasn't true. It was because of an illness.

But I wasn't able to speak or say anything at all. I fell on my knees, and I felt warm tears roll down my cold face. I shut my eyes, trying to fight the tears. I choke back a sob, and I hear Dad's footsteps. I look up, and he was exiting the door, and I could hear him mumble, "Just don't go back into those woods. See you later, Sting."

I walk to my bed, and collapsed onto some of the pillows. I bury my face into my fluffy pillow, and I didn't even try fighting back the tears. I just let them go.

First, he insults Rogue, and then he had to talk about Mom.

She wouldn't want this all to continue. I miss her.

I lie on my bed, and I kept thinking about my mother. I feel my eyelids go heavy as I allow the darkness to consume me.

I wake up the next morning, and it was kinda late. I had a while before I could meet Rogue again.

I know Dad wouldn't be too happy about me going to those woods. But I had to go back. To see Rogue again.

I might as well hang out with Natsu.

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