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Sting's POV

Rogue and I were flying towards my castle, where we knew Skiadrum were going to.

"Ow!" I suddenly hear Rogue yell.

I stop and turn around. "Rogue! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. My head still hurts a li– OW!"

"Rogue, that's it. I'm just gonna carry you over there." I lift Rogue up, and he lets out a small squeak. Yes, we're still in midair, just deal with it.

We weren't too far from the castle, but from above, I see both Dad and Skiadrum outside, with their knights by their side, ready to fight.

I land on the ground, behind a nearby house. I set Rogue down, and I tried to listen to what Dad and Skiadrum were saying.

"Where is my son?" I hear Skiadrum's voice.

"He is not here with me..."

"I know you took him. Now, where is he?!"

Dad said nothing.

"Where. Is. He?" Skiadrum asks again in a lower voice.


"What?" Skiadrum spat.

"Don't you think that all of this is just... nonsense? All of this fighting? Even our children understand that," Skiadrum."

"This fighting? Nonsense? If anything, what you're saying is nonsense!"

"You don't get it. You don't understand. What they have been going through, because of us. Please, we must stop."

"You were the one who started all of this in the first place."

"And now, I am trying to stop this."

"This is still outrageous, this is nonsense. This is ju–"

"They care for each other, Skiadrum. They love each other."

I didn't know what to think. What was he trying to do?

Skiadrum says nothing. There is an uncomfortable, unsettling silence.


She still says nothing.

"Sting, something's wrong..." I hear Rogue whisper.

I look over at Skiadrum. I was sensing magic power. It's coming from her. I bet she is about to attack Dad!

I just run. I had to save Dad. I couldn't really feel my own legs. They felt like they were almost numb. It didn't feel like I was actually running.

I hear Rogue screaming my name, calling me to turn around and go back, but I just ignore him.

Skiadrum is very powerful, and I don't know if even my own dad can take it. Let alone, me.

I plant my feet in front of my dad, and in front of Skiadrum.

"Sting!" I hear Dad roar. "What are you thinking right now?! What do you think you're doing?!"

I didn't say anything. Skiadrum will release her attack any moment soon.

"Sting, you are being an idiot right now!" Weisslogia yelled.

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