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Rogue's POV

I slowly open my eyes to only see Sting lying down with his eyes lightly closed. He was also snoring lightly, which was kinda cute.

I look outside the glass door that led to the balcony.

The sky was a dark navy blue, with stars scattered across the evening sky.

If I escaped now, no one would notice because of my dark wings and figure.

But for some reason, I didn't want to leave.

I should get home, but I kinda feel comfortable here.

Is it something about Sting? I don't know. Maybe. Something about him makes me want to stay near him.

"Hi Rogue," I hear Sting say deeply.

"H-hi..." I blushed when he said my name. I didn't know why.

"I wanna take you somewhere," Sting said softly.

"This late?"

"Why not? It's pretty outside."

Sting stood up to walk to the door that led to the balcony.

He opened the door and walked out. He then jumps into the air, flying and revealing his white wings.

I slowly followed and joined him. Once we were both in the air, I took some more time looking at his wings. The scales were emitting a soft glow.

"Follow me," Sting whispered and starting flying towards the direction of the woods.

I nodded and flew right beside him.

I never had the chance to fly with anybody. No one had dragon wings like I did.

I felt... Nice...

It felt nice to be in the sky with someone else...

I look at Sting, who was smiling while soaring through the night sky. The light of the luminous moon was directed on him. The wind slightly moving his hair, and his blue eyes filled with happiness.

He most likely never flew with anyone else as well. (Does that make sense...?)

Sting probably noticed that I was staring, because he called my name.


I immediately look forward, avoiding eye contact with him.

He started laughing, which made me blush a little, and also made me smile a little.

We soon land in front of those same familiar trees.

Sting walks in and I follow slightly behind him.

"Luckily no one saw you!" Sting said cheerfully.

I stare at my midnight blue wings for a moment. Luckily it was night time. No one would be able to tell that I was flying at all.

I sit down under a large tree, but Sting still remains standing up.

"Why'd you take me out here? Why are you being nice to me?" I asked honestly.

Why was he being nice to me?

He could've killed me if he wanted to.

"Why didn't you kill me... if you had the chance to?" I also asked.

Sting looked hurt when I said that, kinda making me regret asking that question at all.

"What's the point? It's only gonna cause more problems if you're gone. You're, like, the only friend I could actually talk to. Heck, you're the only other person I actually know who can actually fly like I do..." Sting said after sitting right next to me.

"Friend?" I repeated.

"Yeah!" Sting grinned.

"Why though? Aren't we supposed to be... Enemies...?"

"I believe the two sides should at least get along and be one. Kinda like us, I guess..."

I didn't say anything. I just looked down, trying to hide my now red face. But he did have a point.

"I actually agree with you," I said.

"Really?" Sting actually sounded kinda surprised. I just nodded. It became silent for a while.

"Rogue, before my dad finds us, you should get home."

"Wait, why are you letting me go? Won't your dad find out?"

"It doesn't matter. We could meet back here tomorrow evening, okay?"


I watched as Sting ran a short distance before flying into the air.

I lift into the air and hurried back home, hoping that Mom won't question me or anything.

I landed on my balcony, that was pretty similar to Sting's. The door was still left opened, so I ran in and collapsed on my bed, thankful to be home.

I was still surprised that Sting let me go, saying he was from the Light Realm.

Something about him makes me want to stay with him. He was kind to me.

Sadly, I can't see him until tomorrow evening.

One my teachers likes gerbils and cheese its

I was doing these push up things and I saw this really skinny millipede thing and it was SOOO long it was scary

Some people thought it was cute :/

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And leave a comment for the heck of it, I like replying to comments

I do not own anything from Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does ^_^

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