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Sting's POV

I stare blankly out of the window in my room. The sky is gloomy and grey. And overall, today is gonna suck.

My dad is planning an attack against the Shadow Realm. Again...

I never understood why the one side couldn't stand the other.

It kinda sucks because every day you wake up, not knowing what will happen to you, your home, your family, the people, and even the other side.

"War is all they want..." Was what my dad, Weisslogia, told me.

I don't know if I should agree or not.

I personally believe in peace between the two sides.

But unfortunately, I already know that it will never happen.

Many years ago, my mom died because of some frikin illness.

It was a natural cause, but my dad didn't cope with it so well and he blamed it all on the other side.

I thought it was pretty dumb.

But you never know.

What if it was them?

What if Dad was right?

What if they caused everything?

I honestly don't know. I don't know what to think right now.

I just need to go outside.

I walk down the tile stairs, passing Dad, who was discussing a plan with other people.

I didn't bother stopping to listen to what he was planning against the Shadow Realm.

The plan is only gonna cause more problems. The Shadow Dragon Skiadrum will only attack us back. And the cycle pretty much continues over and over again.

I open the door and walked past some guards, who remain next to the door.

I feel my wings unfold once I breathe in the fresh air.

Maybe I should just fly.

Having the ability to fly is pretty cool, I guess.

No one else that I know of could fly like I do. And that kinda sucks.

I feel myself lift off the ground, and I started to soar through the cool air, and towards the woods.

I close my eyes for a short period of time as I felt the wind rush right through me.

No one stopped me because everyone trusted that I would return shortly.

Those woods divide the two sides, they practically prevent the two sides from actually murdering the other.

I like to go to those woods to think and even relax.

It was pretty safe to fly over the realm because everyone practically knows it was me.

I never cared though really.

I landed on the ground in front of the trees.

I fold my bright white wings again and walked into the woods. Leaves crumble under my feet, and I could even smell the trees.

Realms of Light and Shadow (Stingue)Where stories live. Discover now