I was sat in Science which was an hour long lesson but it went by much slower. It wasn’t too bad though, I had my two best friends with me. There was a boy who sat at the back of the room all by himself, he knew the answer to everything, raising his hand every lesson. “He may be a nerd but he’s extremely cute!” Ashleigh said as we looked back at him. “What’s his name?” She asked. “Luke Hemmings!” Maddie said. I had never really noticed him before, I knew him as the clever boy from Science, but I never looked past that. That’s when I realised that he actually sat alone and was the one in the class who did. Suddenly Ashleigh slapped my arm, I turned round to ask what she wanted. Her eyes shifted to the front of the room. Standing right in front of me was Jason Brown, whose ego was bigger than his hair, which was pretty big. “Tomorrow night my friends and I are heading to the local pub, I’d like to see you there.” Ashleigh nudged me in the side, herself, Maddie and other girls in our year were hypnotised by him. I, however, wasn’t as I knew what he was like. He was exactly like his older brother, who was my sisters boyfriend. There are so many reasons why he wasn’t anymore. “Meh, I’ll think about it.” I said. He slammed his hand down on my work. “I’ll see you there at 8.” “He’s so strong!” Maddie cried. The bell rang for the end of the lesson. I packed my stuff away and stood up from the desk. “Excuse me” A gentle voice said with a secure by short hold on my shoulder with their hand. Before I could see who it was Ashleigh grabbed my arm and led me away. I glanced back before leaving the room to see Luke looking at me, shaking his head before dropping it lower and walking away.
Ashleigh, Maddie and I walked into the pub and sat at a table. “What are you doing, I saw Jason over there!” Maddie said, standing up. “You two go, I’ll be over in a few minutes. Just tell him I’m on my way!” The girls scurried off, fixing their hair. I crossed my arms on the table and placed my head face down. “Is everything ok miss, can I get you a drink?” I looked up about to order a tray full of shots, but smiled instead. “Oh, hello!” “Uh, hey!” He said, looking down whilst ruffling his hair. “Sit down for a minute” I said. “I can’t I have to…” “Come on, just for a second!” He sat down, playing with his pen and pad. “I didn’t know you worked here Luke!” He looked up at me. “Sorry, I didn’t think you knew my name!” He said shyly. “You’re kidding? Of course I know your name. You’re the cleverest person I know!” A little smile appeared on his face. “I’m not that clever!” “Oh please, I wish I was as clever as you, but instead I’m failing”! He chuckled with me. “I guess I could help you with a few things at some point like one afternoon when we both have free period?” He suggested. “Sure, I’d appreciate that!” We smiled, looking at each other in silence. Luke was about to say something when a familiar voice shouted from across the pub. “Oi Hemmings, stop slacking and get your ass over here to take our orders!” Luke stood up. “Is that Jason?” He nodded. “I was never here!” I pleaded. He nodded again. “See ya!” “Bye!” I called quietly behind him. I peered behind the wall and watched as one of Jason’s friends tripped Luke up. I rolled my eyes, how could people not see what pricks Jason Brown and his friends were!