I sat on the edge of the bed, numerous sheets of paper all over the floor. Luke was coming home later that evening, and I wanted to confrront him. Not only were they pieces of evidence on the floor but ripped out pieces of science homework which Luke had helped me with too. I leaned down to pick up the piece of paper with his number on it.
"Wait, your homework!" I took the small piece of paper from his hand. "I may not be teacher material but I want to help you." I looked at him smiling, about to unfold the piece of paper. "Codie!" My head looked back at Ashleigh and Maddie. I waved at Luke before running to the girls. I walked slightly behind them so I could unfold the piece of paper. It was a phone number with 'Look at the numbers and figure out what to do with them, Luke x' I swung round to see Luke still stood where I left him, smiling. He waved and automatically I shyly waved back.
"Why did you have to be the mysterious guy at the back of the classroom?" I said to myself.
I still hadn't heard from Luke the whole time he was away, but I assumed it was because he was busy with band stuff. The doorbell ran whilst I was in the middle of tidying up the piece of paper. Liz was out so I had to stop, reach for my crutches and go answer the door. I was expecting some sales person offering me a holiday which would turn out to be a scam. Instead, stood Ashton, Calum and Michael. "What are you guys doing here? Where's Luke?" They all looked at eachother. "Luke's still away isn't he?" Michael asked. "We just wanted to make sure you were ok and not bored out of your mind!" Calum added.
"So you didn't go with him?" They all shook their heads, looking at me as if I was stupid. I let them in, slamming the door with one of my crutches. Even they knew he was cheating and that's why they were here, to break the news to me. The coward...he couldn't even tell me himself.
The boys stayed for just over an hour. "We should get going before Luke gets back!"
"Surely he'd want to see you!" I said. Ashton looked at Michael and Calum who shook their heads. "No, he need to talk to you... alone!"
I said goodbye to them and then sat in the kitchen waiting for the sound of Luke's car to pull up in the drive way. The sound of the engine stopped and the slam of the car door made me tense. "Hello, anyone home?" Luke called, closing the door behind him. "I'm in the kitchen" I said. "My baby, I have missed you-" He ran into the kitchen but stoppped as soon as he saw me.