"Welcome home!" Luke chanted as he opened the front door. Luke's mum insisted that I lived with them until I found a place of my own. After rejecting her offer several times, I gave in. Luke quickly took the box from my hands and placed it down at the bottom of the stairs. "Someone's going to trip over that if you leave it there!" Liz said as she walked from the kitchen. "I'll move it!" Luke muttered before going back out to the car to get the rest of my stuff. "I can't thank you enough!" I said as I gave Liz a hug. "There's no need to thank me, besides it will be good to have another female in the house!" She said before leading me to the kitchen. I heard Luke sigh as he placed the last box on the floor. "Tea?" Liz said as she went over to the kettle. "Yes please!" "Wait… Can't we have a little drink to celebrate?" Luke protested as he kissed the top of my head before wandering over to the fridge. "I suppose, been a while!" Liz winked before grabbing three glasses out of the cupboard. Luke poured the drink in the three glances, his tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. "To family!" Liz said as we clashed our glasses together. I felt slightly uncomfortable at the word of family. "You alright?" Luke laughed as he took my hand. I nodded before taking a sip.
An hour later Luke and I were in his room, well I guess it was kind of our room now. "Are you sure you don't mind sleeping on the floor?" I said looking up at Luke as we sat against the wall on the bed. "Of course!" He said after his sip. We had taken the bottle from earlier up to the room, our aim to finish it by the end of the night and we were close. I straddled on Luke's waist, taking the bottle from his hand and taking several gulps before placing it on the side. Luke stared at me with a smirk on his face. I forced my lips against his, it was more aggressive than usual. I felt his hands wander to my waist, playing with the rim of my top. I tugged on the ends of his hair, leaving kisses from his ear lobes to his jaw line. His hands went under my top and up to my chest as he slowly massaged my boobs. I moved to the crook of his neck and began sucking, hearing little gasps in my ear. He suddenly started tickling me under my top, causing my lips to move away from his neck. I threw my head back as his tickling grew more intense. I pushed myself off his lap and stood in the middle of the room looking innocent. I began to back away, trying not to laugh, as Luke walked towards me slowly. All of a sudden he lifted me in the air, his strong arms wrapped round my waist. He quickly put me to the floor and began tickling me again. I arched my back, with him standing over me, his hands on my tummy. We both laughed until Luke muttered 'I love you' into my ear. I suddenly stopped laughing and stopped trying to escape his hold. "What…What have I done?" Luke asked as he released his arms. I tucked my hair behind my ears and turned to face him. "Nothing…I…I know you've said it loads of times by text but in person it's different. Actually hearing the words in your voice…I've never had anyone tell me they love me…" Luke leaned his forehead against mine. "I love you, I really really do. And I'll keep telling you until you've heard it enough times." I smiled and went to take a sip of my drink. "I love you." Luke muttered. I smiled to myself. "I love you… I love you… I love you" I could hear the slight laugh in his voice as he kept repeating the three words. I went to the door. "I'll follow you until you know that you're loved" Luke said. I ran out of the room and to the top of the stairs. "I love you!" Luke said as he stood behind me. I quickly ran down the stairs, but everyone had completely forgot about the box of my stuff at the bottom of the stairs.