It's all in the cards [whouffaldi]

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AN: this takes place during Under The Lake during the scene where The Doctor suggests Clara should slow down but with a twist :))))))) so spoilers

She was going to quickly, being rash again. Destructive he would call it. The Doctor was worried she was being too hasty. Worried that Clara would get herself hurt and he couldn't bare the thought of it.

The Doctor glanced at her across the room, on the other side of the console. She looked lovely today in her new yellow sweater and plaid button up dress. Clara always seemed to glow in front of him. Always wore an aura of coolness. She seemed calm and cool, but he knew that inside she was pumping with adrenaline. That worried him. Adrenaline could get people into trouble and get them hurt. 

Clara walked around the console and dropped her coat on a chair before heading back to the door. Her fingers brushed the door handle but before she could open the doors The Doctor stopped her.

"Clara..!" he called, quickly walking around the console to stand in front of her. "Wait!" 

Clara turned around quickly in that cute, excited way The Doctor had always loved, with a grin on her face.  "Yes, Doctor?" 

The Doctor licked his lips and glanced at the ground before looking up at her with a huge grin. "You need a hobby!" He smiled. The Doctor hopped that it didn't sound like he was making up an excuse to keep her safe--in all honesty, he would rather Clara be kept safe in the TARDIS at all times so she would never be put in danger ever again. But he knew she would never agree to that. 

"What?" Clara chuckled nervously, crossing her arms and lifting up her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" 

The Doctor shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "You should take up a new hobby, maybe a new relationship! You lot are bananas for relationships! Always writing about love, poems, getting tattoos--!" 

"Doctor! I'm fine, here, with you in the TARDIS. You really are oblivious, aren't you?" Clara laughed, stepping closer to him. 

The Doctor felt his chest tighten as the scent of her fruity perfume suddenly engulfed him. Oh God, she shouldn't get so close. Doesn't she know he can't hardly breathe when she gets that close? "W-what are you talking about? Oblivous? Nothing gets past me, Clara!" The Doctor smiled, stepping backwards but stumbling and clumsily falling on the console. 

Clara giggled. He always flailed around like that, tripping and falling. This new regeneration seemed clumsier than the past. "I apparently get past you." she spoke softly with a slight giggle. 

"You? Never! I always notice you, Clara Oswald. Always you!" The Doctor grinned, pointing in the air and attempting to look confident but as she seemed to be stepping closer to him, he faltered. It was always her to make him so nervous. 

"You seriously don't notice? I don't need a hobby or a relationship. I have you, the TARDIS, adventures! What more do I need?" Clara smiled that smile-- the one full of dimples and love and all the adoration she had for that man. That silver haired, silly man. She adored everything about him, to his fluffy hair all the way down to his loafers. 

"But--" he started.

"You, Doctor. You're all I need. Don't you understand?" Clara spoke gently, hopping that soon the words would click. He looked completely clueless. "Oh, Doctor! I'm happy being here with you. Us. Together. Understand?" 

The Doctor took a moment to think, looking like a deer in the headlights in the process. But then it clicked. She fancied him. And, oh Gods, he fancied her too. He felt himself blush and then remember the cards in his pocket. "Oh!" he exclaimed before digging in his pocket to find the right card. He flipped through the cards, never finding the one he needed. The cards began falling out of his hands and falling to the floor as he tried to pick them up anxiously. "I need to find the right--ugh!-- card to say it!" 

"To say what, Doctor?" Clara asked, watching him messily pick up the cards and stuff them in his pocket. 

"That... that I love you!" The Doctor blurted, the cards seemingly forgotten and a soft smile playing on his lips. She wanted to kiss him. 

Clara looked more shocked then he expected. But she smiled, blushed and stepped close enough to him that he was practically pinned to the console. The Doctor took in a sharp breath, feeling the urge to kiss her but not wanting to make another mistake. "I love you, too.." she grinned. 

"Should we be having this conversation now? I m-mean.. There are ghosts outside those doors right now," he pointed to the TARDIS doors with a nervous smile. "Not really the time.." The Doctor chuckled anxiously, feeling his hands start to shake. Clara noticed this and took his hands in hers, feeling the cool roughness of his fingers. The feeling of her soft hands against his rough ones contrasting each other was comforting to him. 

"You're right, not the time." Clara said somewhat sadly, letting her hands slip from his. She went to walk away but The Doctor felt his chances slipping. He couldn't let her slip away so easily, not this time. 

The Doctor jumped forward, grabbing her petite hand in his two hands. "Wait!" He said before pulling her back to him and crashing their lips together. He felt her melt in his arms as she let go of his hands to grasp the lapels of his jacket. The Doctors arms went to her waist, pulling her close until their bodies were pressed against each other. And then as soon as it happened, they were pulling away and reddened faces were being hid in a desperate attempt not to look foolish in front of the other. "Was.. was that okay?" he asked, burying his face in his sleeves, grinning like an idiot. 

Clara giggled, feeling suddenly very bashful. "Yes, wonderful, Doctor." Clara moved his arms gently away from his face and grinned up at him. He had her lipstick on his mouth and she laughed. "It's a nice shade on you." 

The Doctor laughed with her and wiped the red stuff of his lips. "Well.. Ghosts? We should figure those out now. We can return to this later if you want?" He suggested.

"Yes, definitely. Now, ghosts!" Clara grinned and took his hand, leading him out the door and into the unknown. 

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