I [exterminate] you [whouffaldi]

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There it was. The dalek sat there and simply looked at him. He hated it. The Doctor hated it with everything he had. The very thought of the dalek made his anger burn brighter. The Doctor simply wanted his Clara back. Where was she?

"Where is she!? Where is my Clara? Where is Clara Oswald!?" The Doctor yelled at the creature.

Clara sat from inside the dalek shell, hoping that he would hear her out. But then Missy ran beside him and she knew something was wrong from the sudden knot that was tied in her stomach. Something wasn't right.

"Doctor! Don't touch it! That's the one. The one that killed Clara! I saw the whole thing! She ran and screamed and the thing shot her! I'm glad you weren't there to see it." Missy spoke softly to him, the lies she spoke making Clara panic. "Kill it, Doctor. Kill it for Clara. Your Clara." Missy put the gun she had in her hand instead now in his. "Kill it."

"Doctor, no! Its me! Its me Clara!" Clara yelled but all that came out was, "I am a dalek! I am a dalek!"

Clara watched as The Doctor took the gun in his hand and pointed it at her. She could see the faint sight of tears in his eyes. He believed her to be dead and on the inside he was mourning. Oh, her Doctor. Clara knew of how he rarely cried and something about it made her want to hold him and tell him it would all be okay. But at the moment she had to bargain for her life and prove that it was her in the shell.

"Is Clara Oswald dead? Is she truly dead?!" He yelled, anger burning his throat and sadness coating his veins. She can't be dead.

"Doctor! Please! Its me! Believe me!" Clara spoke but The Doctor just heard, "I AM A DALEK. I AM A DALEK." Tears burnt the edges of her eyes and she felt herself grow more panicky.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screamed, Missy smirking behind him.

"I'M RIGHT HERE DOCTOR!" Clara screamed but yet again it only came out as emotionless Dalek words. Oh God, I can't die now. Not when he doesn't know... "Doctor! Please..."

"MERCY! MERCY!" The Doctor heard the Dalek say.

"What? Did that Dalek just say mercy? It shouldn't be able to say that? How?" He questioned, lowering his gun now to his chest.

"Doctor! Please. I love you.." Clara said gently, hoping--somehow-- the words wouldn't be translated into dalek words.

"DOCTOR. MERCY. I. LOVE. YOU." The Doctor stood emotionless as the dalek spoke those words. It shouldn't be able to speak those words. Never in a million years should a dalek say the word 'love'.

He looked at the Dalek for a moment. Taking in the words. Missy stood there for a moment as well, shocked. "Open your case."

"How?" Clara asked.

"Just think 'wide open'." He spoke gently, cautiously.

Clara thought for a moment, tears now running down her face. The case opened smoothly and she opened her eyes to see The Doctor standing before her, tears in his eyes and walking towards her. He cupped her face in her hands gently, ever so lovingly. "Clara.. I'm so sorry Clara.." He looked at the wires hooked into her mind for a moment before turning to Missy to tell her, "Run. Now." Missy rolled her eyes and swaggered off, mumbling some sort of insult. The Doctor turned his attention back to Clara and gently unhooked the wires and helping her out of the casing. "Is it true?"

Clara looked at him for a moment, confused, until realizing what he was talking about. "Oh.. Yes. I love you, Doctor. I couldn't die without you knowing."

The Doctor gently smiled and put a hand on her cheek. "I love you, too, Clara Oswald." Clara smiled up at him before he took her hand and led her running down the hallway.


Time skip to where the TARDIS reassembled and they teleported away...

Once they were safely on-board the TARDIS, The Doctor turned to her. "I meant it, Clara. I love you."

"I know you meant it, Doctor." Clara grinned and giggled a bit, nervous that there was a 'but' coming next.

But there wasn't a 'but' next. Instead, he stepped towards her and took her face in both his hands and kissed her with a passion that would only match his strong love for her.

"You have no idea how it felt thinking I lost you again.. I can't lose you.. I love you, Clara." He whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you, too, Doctor. You're not gonna lose me... Not for a very long time at least. I promise." she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Now, lets go see some planets." Clara smirked and twirled around the console.

"Yes, ma'am." he winked before pulling a lever and then they were off!

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