he's in love with her [whouffaldi]

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a/n: this was suppose to be a whouffaldi fanfic but honestly it has became a story all in itself so i may actually write a book based on this with my own original characters, but for now this is a whouffaldi fanfic, although you can read it as any ship since there are no specific names. the doctor is human in this fanfiction as well if you couldn't tell but have fun! I'm honestly super proud of this, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever written in my opinion.

They're two different people, different DNA, formed in different stars. But, God, he loves her.

The way she laughs when he makes a joke, he loves it. He looks at her with stars in his eyes. He only ever smiles when she's around. That's how he knew he loved her. Everything she does brings happiness into his world, lightness into his life. The way she walks, the way she talks. He could never forget her, never. Everything she does is engraved into his mind like if he forgets nothing will ever be the same.

But sometimes she shakes. He doesn't know why and she won't tell him, but she shakes. And it terrifies him. It scares the shit out of him because most of the time he can't stop it, he just holds her until she stops. Sometimes it lasts only moments, sometimes minutes. He can't stop them and he wants to be able to help her, but he isn't able. She won't tell him why the shaking happens and he doesn't want to force her to tell him. But he has a theory that if he knew why, he could help her. But when he asks, she pushes him away more.

"I told you I don't want to talk about it! Why can't you just respect that!"

"I just want to be able to help you!"

"Stop trying to help me all the time!"

He decided to stop asking after she threatened to leave if he asked again. He can't lose her.

But she always acts so tough, so self-assured and always controlling; however, he knows the truth of it all. She's fearful, fragile and frail. So strong outside, able to hurt and to injure without any trouble, but inside she is a battlefield of emotions.

He wants her to love him like he loves her, but he knows she doesn't. He looks at her like a piece of fine art but when she looks at him it isn't the same. He is a man, in love with a woman who doesn't love him back. But he knows he'll never give her up.

At night his mind is full of her, how it would feel to press his lips against hers, how it would feel to hold her like he wants to hold her. And he knows he'll never be able to love her like she deserves to be loved, he dreams of it anyway.

They go out sometimes, she gets dressed up and she shines like a diamond. They laugh together and they drink together, but at the end of the night she's tipsy and he is still sober, painfully clear-headed. He helps her home, half carrying her along the way. She's giggling in his arms, joking about something he doesn't even understand. And it hurts, it hurts to look at her. It hurts to love her when he knows she doesn't love him. But he helps her into bed, making sure she is safe and snug.

"Come into bed with me, darling." she whines, trying to pull his lips to hers. He resists, pulling away and pushing tears back because he wants to kiss her, but not like this.

He sleeps on her sofa in his jeans and hoodie, finding a spare blanket in her closet. Falling asleep to the thought of her loving him, oh what a wonderful fantasy.

Each day it gets harder for him to love her, his heart aching for hers. Sometimes he wants her to leave, finally stop torturing him with that smile, that beautiful smile that he adores ever so. But he knows he wouldn't be able to live without her smile.

When she wakes up the next morning, she doesn't remember what happened. She laughs and offers to make him breakfast, saying that after breakfast she has a date planned. He has to hold back tears when she says this. She hasn't dated anybody in nearly a year, but he guesses she is now. He doesn't know who when she tells him the man's name but he knows that it is not him.

He wonders if that man will be able to still love her when she shakes.

After breakfast, he hugs her and leaves. The smell of her shower soap is stuck on his clothes and when he gets home he throws away his hoodie. It's tainted with the lovely smell of her. Her love is a virus and he can't afford to catch it anymore.

The next two weeks he spends ignoring her, disregarding her texts and taking no notice to her calls. He hears from friends that she's dating the man she went on a date with. Part of him feels heart-broken, but he knows it doesn't matter. She doesn't love him so what's the use?

But he loves it when she smiles, she is magical. She glistens like the stars, sparkling against the blackness of the world. She is the only truly pure thing in his life. But she shakes and he knows she has been shaking without him. He should be there with her, helping her. He feels selfish for distancing himself from her. And besides, he still loves her. He always will no matter what happens.

So he shows up at her house one day and finds her crying in her kitchen and her hands are shaking. She jumps into his arms and hugs him. He doesn't know how long they stand there but it feels like hours. He doesn't mind and she buries her face in his chest. When they pull away, she's still crying and she's shaking again now.

"You always ask why I shake. And I can never find the courage to tell you."

So she continues, pushing down her tears and grasping the chair she sits on. She tells him why she shakes. She tells him about her father and how he would hit her and her mother constantly. That's why she shakes, because she's always afraid of men hitting her.

She is fragile, petrified to find real love, afraid that the man she loves will just hit her like her father hit her mother.

"You've never once let me get hurt, much less ever cause me pain." she tells him. The way she looks at him almost makes him think that she loves him back, but it's only momentary. It's gone before he can say anything.

And she hugs him again. He can feel her breathing in his scent, memorizing him. She's taking everything in like if she blinked it would all be gone before she knew it.

"He doesn't love me like you do." she says bravely.

He's shocked for a moment, looks at her with wide eyes. How could she have known? Of course she knows. From how he looks at her and cares for her no matter what happens.

"He never will love me like you do and I won't ever love him like I love you." she admits with a shy smile.

They have been in love this entire time, neither one of them wanting to risk the rejection or the hurt of love. But to not love each other is another hell entirely.

He has been trying not to see her, like she is too bright for his eyes. But he has seen her like the light that she is without even trying too hard to love her.

She has been hiding this entire time just for the sake of protecting herself. But she cannot hide from the one person who knows her best.

And then they kiss, the love they have been suppressing this whole time lighting up the others eyes. They kiss like nobody has ever been kissed, like neither has ever been hurt, like nothing can hurt them ever. They kiss without walls, without shields. They kiss without fear of pain.

But she still shakes, like a tree in a storm. And he still loves her all the way through it.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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