[colepaldi] call me part one

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Colepaldi: We're sitting beside each other on an hour plane ride and you're terrified of flying AU. [TWO PARTER]


Planes have never frightened Jenna. Everyone told her they should, but she didn't see reason to. Jenna loved to fly and she flew often because of her job; she was a photographer for a quite popular nature magazine back in London and had to take different pictures around the world for it.

Usually she slept though the whole ride or took pictures of the world below them through the window (that's, of course, if she acquired the window seat). Somehow she always seemed to get the worse or best seat partners. Either grumpy old business men who were not fond of talking to someone of her age or people who wanted to talk for hours at a time (which Jenna didn't mind).

But on her plane ride to Scotland, she had a quite new type of plane partner. He had silver hair and was still oddly attractive; he wore black suit pants and a white button up that clung to his chest in the best way. Jenna couldn't stop herself from glancing over at him from time to time. One thing Jenna noticed most was how he grasped the arm rests with his slender fingers and kept his jaw clench for the first fifteen minutes of the ride.

He was frightened. Jenna decided to try and ease the tension but holding out her hand for him to shake and putting on a smile. "Hello, my name is Jenna Coleman. And you are?" The man looked at her hand before hesitantly deciding to shake it.

"Peter Capaldi, nice to meet you." He was undoubtedly Scottish with a hint Glaswegian according to his accent.

"Scared?" Jenna said kindheartedly.

He laughed nervously. "Scared? Me? Nah, I'm not scared." Peter lied.

Jenna raised an eyebrow and giggled. "Then let go of the arm rest."

He smirked at her and slowly let go of the arm rests, putting his hands in his lap and crossing his legs. "See? Not scared."

"Sureee." She giggled again and took out a little box out of her purse. The box contained a small assortment of candies and chocolates that she always brung on plane rides to break the ice with her seat partner. "Chocolate?" She held out the opened box.

Peter looked at it for a moment before choosing a small, heart shaped chocolate in the back of the box that he assumed was full of caramel. "Thanks. So why are you going to Scotland?" He said as he put the chocolate on his tongue and chewed it.

"Photographer, I take photos for a magazine back in London." Jenna smiled, popping a white chocolate candy in her mouth.

"Oh, cool." Peter smiled. He didn't know what else to say so it was oddly silent for a moment until he found something to say. "Uh, I'm visiting family back in Scotland, my parents own a big piece of land with a lot of woods and such. It's really beautiful."

Jenna's eyes lit up and she contemplated whether to ask him a seemingly simple but odd question. "Uhh...Do you think I could take pictures there? I know that's a really weird question and we just met but I really need those type of pictures for the article my friend is doing and it'd be great if-" she babbled on until he finally interrupted her.

"Sure, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind and I'm sure you're not insane or anything so yeah, sure." Peter replied with a kind smile. He had never met someone so straight forward.

Peter looked at her outfit; a plain, loose fitting white tank top with mid-thigh length denim skirt and black tights. The red ballet slipper shoes she wore seemed unmatched compared with everything else but Peter found it cute and sorta quirky. Her hair was made to just brush her shoulders; she wore a light coat of mascara and lip gloss.

"Really? Thank you, I really had no idea where to photograph since I've never been to Scotland." She giggled nervously, really trying not to look at him too long with the assumption that he would take it weird and think she was creepy. Jenna found him incredibly attractive; she had never found any of her past seat buddies attractive so this was a new type of fancying that she was completely foreign to.

"Where are you from?" Peter blurted, finding it hard to find words and not make the whole plane ride awkward. He was already finding it hard to stop staring at her lips.

"Blackpool." Jenna answered plainly. She was about to ask him where he was from but thought that would be foolish since she would be coming with him to his parents to take pictures. "Tell me about yourself, anything. Tell me anything about you." Jenna blurted.

Peter was silently taken aback by the request but intrigued that Jenna wanted to know him better. Usually on plane rides, he'd find himself incredibly anxious and would ignore the person beside him. But now he had an beautiful woman who wanted to know about him and felt as if he was completely at ease; this was so very new to him.

"Uh.." And he started. They began to talk nonstop, exchanging memories and feelings. Laughter filled the air and suddenly it felt as if they had known each other for most their lives. The rest of the plane ride was filled with words.


They touched down in Scotland about forty-five minutes later, the two of them still talking and laughing as they walked through customs together. Once out of the air port with their luggage in hand, Peter hailed a cab and the two of them climbed inside as the cabbie put their luggage in the back of the car. Jenna found herself smiling in a sort of content way as he talked about his childhood, the cabbie driving down the beautiful country roads of Scotland. Luckily for her, Peter was not looking at her but instead was making grand hand gestures and glancing out the window every other sentence while he told wonderful stories from his childhood.

Jenna found herself beginning to fancy him and in a way she didn't mind. He was bit older than her usual boyfriend but he was handsome and sweet. She found it hard to stop smiling. She had to remind herself that Peter was a practical stranger to her and to start fancying him so quickly was foolish.

"Uh, Jenna?" Peters voice brought her out of her own thoughts and she found herself looking into his eyes. They were an icy type of blue that Jenna realised she could get easily lost within.

"What? Sorry, thinking." she laughed nervously, tucking a piece of stray brown hair behind her ear.

"We're here, my parents house that is." Peter smiled at her before getting out of the cab and quickly walking over to her side of the car to open her door as well.

"Oh, thanks." Jenna said politely, stepping out of the cab and going to the back of the car to grab her luggage out of the trunk. She had a big suit case for clothes, a travel bag for her camera and a backpack full of random things she brought with her on the plane.

As the cabbie drove off and Jenna followed Peter to the cute brick house they were walking towards, Jenna found herself becoming anxious. She wasn't the nervous sort so this rarely happened. Why was she worried about his parents liking her? Her and Peter were practical strangers. Why did I come here?  Jenna thought to herself anxiously as she stood behind Peter while he knocked on the door.


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