Florida Kilos [whouffaldi]

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AU where The Doctor (John, the twelfth doctor) and Clara Oswald are drug dealers. Inspired by Lana Del Rey's Florida Kilos.


"Do the drug but don't let the drug do you." - Anonymous. (Basically, if you do a drug, don't let it control you and take over your life.)


They were dangerous. Clara acted like it didn't bother her, selling pot illegally. But she was so in love with John that it didn't matter to her. How bad could prison be if he was there beside her? They had been together probably five years and begun with simply selling counterfeit paintings and a few other small things on the side. And then it grew to more intense stuff, like weed and occasionally cocaine.

John was a gorgeous man. Curly, short, silver hair and a unique nose that Clara had grown to love. Most of the time he wore black suits to seem professional and tough. Clara knew he was just one big softie.

They had been doing it for over four years and Clara had grown weary of the fast pace life style. She didn't say anything though, John always looked so happy when they pulled off a big sell. He was addicted to the rush, she knew he was. And it was completely destroying him.

"Clara! Come in here!" John shouted from one of the rooms in their suite.

They had traveled to Florida to sell over two pounds of their quite popular grow. Since they were fairly wealthy from selling all these years, they decided to spoil themselves and get a suite instead of their usual motel room.

Clara walked into the living room of their suite--clad in ripped blue jeans and a worn out Ramones tee that used to belong to John until Clara took it--and found John in the middle of a big circle of pot. The pot was in small baggies and he was looking at them like they were his children. He was high again and he was grinning like a fool. Clara was used to him in this state and simply laughed when he looked up at her with a grin. "LOOK AT IT!" John giggled. "Sit with me! Come here!" He reached up to grab her hand and pulled her down to him. Clara giggled as he handed her the blunt that had originally been on the ground in an ash tray. She took it with an excited smile. This was always her favourite part of the day, smoking with him. It was a time for them to be them and not worry about anyone else.

She took a drag and held her breathe so the smoke could take effect inside her. After a few more, she felt feather light and was giggling uncontrollably. John kissed her sloppily before taking what was left of the blunt out of her hands and took a drag. "I love youuu." he slurred.

Clara kissed him, inhaling some of the smoke that was still between his lips, "I love you, too."

And they smoked until their heads were full of stars and they disappeared.


"Dammit, Clara! You can't scare me like that! We're on a big job, you can't just be late! I thought you were dead!" John said to her, cupping her face and kissing her cheeks before holding her against him. "God, don't scare me like that." he whispered.

Clara's arms were held between her and his chest. "I'm sorry, traffic was bad. It won't happen again." They were standing in the hallway of some hotel and had selling to do.

He kissed her temple before handing her a small bag, which was full of marijuana. "You need to go in there," John pointed to a hotel room labeled "Room 420". Ironic, right? "And sell this whole bag to them. It's a new customer and they want to test it out. Only one blunt, only one. Don't let them trick you into more."

"I've been doing this for years, John. I know what to do." Clara laughed and kissed his cheek before knocking on the door and leaving John to wait.

He was always anxious at this part, leaving her alone. John hated putting her in danger. But that was the only way they could make money. Well, not the only way, but the only way he knew of. John just wanted her to feel safe for once. His addiction to the rush and even to the drugs held him and her to the danger of it all. And he hated it.

About an hour later, Clara came back out of the room with an empty bag and a gleam in her eyes. "Done." She said before kissing him quickly. "C'mon." She took his hand and led him down the hallway with a smirk on her lips.

God, she was amazing.


The sky was black, stars shimmering in the pitch darkness in the sky. And there they were, running down the sidewalks of Miami with a bag of stolen cocaine. Why had they stole it from one of Florida's most infamous drug lords? For the thrill of course!

"Dammit, John! You're gonna get us killed!" Clara shouted, running next to him with their hands entwined. She still giggled as she heard the sound of guys running after them.

"That's the plan, right. Live fast, die young, have fun?" He joked, of course. John definitely didn't want Clara to get killed. He didn't expect them to, they had gotten into situations like this before with no more than a couple bruises.

"Definitely." Clara smirked.

And that's when it happened. The gun shot. The cry out in pain. And when John dropped to the ground. Clara froze, her hand slipping from his as he fell. "JOHN!" she cried out and dropped to her knees. The men who had shot him ran down the street, having done their jobs. "JOHN STAY WITH ME! It's gonna be okay!" Clara turned him over so his face was towards the sky. She kissed his cheeks repeatedly, occasionally brushing her lips past his. "Please. You can't die like this." She choked out through sobs.

"I love you, my Clara. I'm sorry." he muttered. "I'm sorry...that I brought you into this. I'm so sorry. We could've," he coughed up blood. "We could've had--had a family. And been happy. I'm sorry."

Clara sobbed, smiling sadly down at him. "We still can. You can't go like this. I love you. Please don't go." She held his hands in hers.

"You were my dream." he muttered, loosing his strength.

"And you were mine.." Clara sobbed before collapsing down on him and embracing him fully. He patted her shoulders weakly. "I love you."

"I love you, too. I'm sorry." John kissed her cheek, leaving a bloody mark. "Live fast, die young, have fun, right?" he chuckled.

"Dammit, John. Don't joke when you're dying." Clara weakly laughed and wiped tears from her cheeks.

John smiled up at her with dopey eyes. "Get better, for me. Find a nice guy, settle down and stop with the drugs, okay?"

"I love you." Clara whispered.

"Clara Oswald, I..." he was cut off by death.

Clara sobbed and hugged him again, the life in his body gone.

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